Your Name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
[You can replace the above information with the heading from your resume]
Hiring Manager’s Name
Hiring Manager’s Title
Company Name
Company Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear [Insert Hiring Manager’s name if known],
paragraphState the reason for writing. Name the specific position or type of work for which you’re applying.
Mention how you learned of the opening. If you know someone in the organization, consider mentioning your
connection here.
(and optional 3
) paragraphExplain why you’re interested in working for this employer and specify how you fit
this position. Mention on e or two of your qualifications you think would be of greatest interest to the organization,
tailoring your wording to incorporate the keywords they used in the job description. Don’t repeat the information on
your resume. Include something special or unique about yourself that will benefit the employer. Mention why you are
particularly interested in this employer and use information you found while researching the company as a way to
indicate your fit with the organization. Remember, the reader will consider this not only an opportunity to gain more
insights into the position but an example of your writing skills.
Last paragraphMake your closing statement strong and specific so that the reader will likely take action. Mention that
your resume is enclosed and indicate your desire to meet with the employer. Be sure to communicate your plan to
follow up. You might state that you’ll be in the area on a certain date and would like to set up a meeting, or you’ll call on
a certain date to set up a meeting. Finally, thank the employer for their time.
[Insert signature]
Your name typed
Orlando, FL • Mobile: (555)555-5555 •
March 9, 20xx
Mr. David Jones
College Recruiter
American Cancer Society
555 Beat Cancer Lane
Orlando, Florida 32816
Dear Mr. Jones,
It is with great interest that I apply for the Marketing and Content Creation Lead with the American Cancer Society. I learned
of the position through Knightline and my interaction with your co-worker [insert name] at the University of Central Florida
(UCF) College of Business Career Fair, The Invitational. My extensive customer service experience coupled with my education
and work ethic make me an excellent fit for your organization.
I am extremely passionate about the work of the American Cancer Society and am constantly amazed by the continual
advancement of your research and patient support. In my position as Marketing Chair for the American Marketing
Association, I have gained extensive experience promoting events and ensuring an effective brand is portrayed to all
constituents. My ability to build relationships with clients has contributed greatly to the overall success of the organization.
In addition, I truly enjoy coming up with creative solutions to everyday problems. In my Digital Marketing class at UCF, I
utilized Photoshop to design promotional materials for a class project and tracked their effectiveness through the use of
Google Analytics. It would be my hope to use the skills I’ve gained from both my education and professional background to
further develop current marketing efforts of the American Cancer Society.
I would love the opportunity to help spread awareness of the organization, prevention techniques, and anything else that
ultimately helps everyone “live longer and better.” I look forward to the opportunity to interview for the position and will
follow-up in two weeks time. If you have any questions, I can be reached a t (555)555 -5555 or by email at Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ima Knight
You can set this up like the employer’s
info or pull your resume header
exhibited in this example.
The date your application is submitted.
Employer name, title and organization
name, address.
Address to specific employer if known. If
unavailable use “Dear Hiring Manager”
or something similar.
paragraph: Mention the position you
are applying for and how you heard
about it. Briefly mention why you are
interested and/or your experience.
paragraph (can be 1-2 paragraphs
long): Mention why you are interested
in the position, what you can contribute
and how your skills and qualifications
match the needs of the organization.
Last paragraph: Thank the reader for
their time and consideration and
provide contact information and plan to
Include salutation.
Optional: Include handwritten signature.