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The distances to Novae as seen by Gaia The distances to Novae as seen by Gaia
Bradley E. Schaefer
Louisiana State University
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Schaefer, B. (2018). The distances to Novae as seen by Gaia.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 481
(3), 3033-3051. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty2388
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MNRAS 000, 117 (2018) Preprint 5 September 2018 Compiled using MNRAS L
X style file v3.0
The Distances to Novae As Seen By Gaia
Bradley E. Schaefer
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70820, USA
Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ
The Gaia spacecraft has just released a large set of parallaxes, including 41 novae
for which the fractional error is <30%. I have used these to evaluate the accuracy
and bias of the many prior methods for getting nova-distances. The best of the prior
methods is the geometrical parallaxes from HST for just four novae, although the real
error bars are 3× larger than stated. The canonical method for prior nova-distances has
b een the expansion parallaxes from the nova shells, but this method is found to have
real 1-sigma uncertainty of 0.95 mag in the distance modulus, and the prior quoted
error bars are on average 3.6× worse than advertised. The many variations on the
‘maximum-magnitude-rate-of-decline’ (MMRD) relation are all found to be poor, too
p oor to be useable, and even to be non-applicable for 5-out-of-7 samples of nova, so
the MMRD should no longer be used. The prior method of using various measures of
the extinction from the interstellar medium have been notoriously bad, but now a new
version by
onmez and coworkers has improved this to an unbiased method with
1-sigma uncertainty of 1.14 mag in the distance mo dulus. For the future, I recommend
in order (1) using the Gaia parallax, (2) using the catalog of
onmez, (3) using
m ax
= -7.0±1.4 mag as an empirical method of poor accuracy, and (4) if none of
these methods is available, then to not use the nova for purposes where a distance is
Key words: parallaxes stars: novae, cataclysmic variables
A ubiquitous and deep problem of high importance through-
out the last century of astrophysics has been measuring the
distances to objects. Realistic distances are critical to un-
derstanding the structure and organization of the objects,
while the inverse-square dependency of the luminosities and
energies on the distances means that any physical model
must have good distances. For novae, the last century has
also featured much effort and debate to get distances.
Many methods have been used to estimate nova dis-
tances. With geometrical parallaxes ($) not possible (ex-
cept for four of the nearest novae as viewed with the Hubble
Space Telescope, HST), the standard has been to use ex-
pansion parallaxes for the few novae with shells. But even
this standard was known to be poor for multiple reasons,
and it could not be applied to most novae. For most novae,
with no other possibilities, workers could only make order-
of-magnitude distance estimates based on various measures
of the interstellar extinction, with such methods being no-
toriously poor. (But
onmez and coworkers have recently
found ways to make this work, see below.) With these poor
calibrations, workers attempted to find a relation between
the nova’s absolute magnitude at peak and the speed of de-
cline (called the ‘maximum-magnitude-rate-of-decline’ rela-
tion, or the ’MMRD’). But this correlation has a huge scatter
making the method largely useless, while recently the very
existence of the relation has been disproven for novae in M31
and M87. Another method from the past few years has been
to get blackbody distances to the secondary stars. But this
method is untested, and is applicable to only a half-dozen or
so systems. So in all, until now, the all-important distances
to novae are poorly known.
Now, with the public release of many accurate paral-
laxes from the Gaia spacecraft, we finally have confident and
accurate distances to many novae. Suddenly, we can evalu-
ate all the prior nova distances and their methods. This has
vital relevance for future nova studies because Gaia will only
get good parallaxes for less than 20% of the known novae.
For the other 80%, we still have to rely on the many other
methods, so it is good to learn the real accuracy and biases
of each method. Thus, a primary purpose of this paper is to
evaluate the prior published nova distances as based on the
Gaia ‘ground-truth’.
© 2018 The Authors
arXiv:1809.00180v1 [astro-ph.SR] 1 Sep 2018
2 B. E. Schaefer
The European Space Agency Gaia satellite is awesome in its
capabilities for astrometry, for getting parallax and proper
motions of stars far out into our Milky Way galaxy. The sec-
ond data release (DR2) has just come out, with 22 months of
operational data covering 1693 million stars from magnitude
3 to 21 (Lindegren et al. 2018). DR2 is publicly available
. DR2 includes positions, proper motions, and paral-
laxes (five astrometric parameters), with all sources treated
as single stars. No binary motion or source confusion is al-
lowed for, with these being covered in later data releases.
The distribution of errors in the parallax is essentially a
perfect Gaussian with the quoted 1-sigma error bars (Luri
et al. 2018). The standard uncertainty for $ is 0.041 milli-
arc-seconds (mas) for 12 mag stars, 0.057 mas for 16 mag
stars, and 0.651 mas for 20 mag stars.
The traditional equation to derive the distance, D in
parsecs, from the observed parallax, $ in mas, is D =
1000/$. But various workers have long realized that the
conversion from parallax to distance is really much more
complex and subtle. The trouble comes when the observed
parallax is small when compared to its uncertainty. At its
extreme, a zero parallax would translate to an infinite D,
with this being unphysical, while a perfectly good negative
parallax is meaningless. A common problem is that the un-
certainty in distance will have a substantially non-Gaussian
shape, with the distribution being greatly skewed when the
uncertainty in the parallax, σ
, grows to a substantial frac-
tion of the parallax. For example, with an observed parallax
of 0.5±0.5 mas, the 1-sigma range in parallax is 0.0 to 1.0
mas, yet the same 1-sigma range in distance is from 1000
pc out to infinity. And the simple equation does not tell
us how to handle the negative part of the parallax’s distri-
bution. These problems become non-trivial for cases where
/$&20% or so (Bailer-Jones 2015).
The solution to the inversion problem (i.e., to go from
a measured parallax to the best distance with realistic error
bars) is now know to require some appropriate assumption
about the distance distribution, known as a ‘prior’, within a
Bayesian analysis. An excellent explanation and tutorial is
presented in Bailer-Jones (2015). The solution is to adopt a
prior where the a priori probability volume density decreases
asymptotically to zero at infinity. A reasonable function for
the prior is an exponential decline with some appropriate
distance scale. The official Gaia DR2 publication (Luri et
al. 2018) explicitly endorses this ‘exponentially decreasing
space density’ (EDSD). With this, the probability distribu-
tion of D is given by equation 18 of Bailer-Jones (2015), and
I have performed the integrals on this unnormalized poste-
rior to define the 1-sigma intervals containing the central
68.3% probability. The best estimate distance is given by
equation 19 of Bailer-Jones. When σ
/$ rises above 0.30,
two modes appear in the posterior, one of which is ‘data-
dominated’ and the longer distance is ‘prior-dominated’, so
by the time the fractional error rises above 0.373 there is a
sudden increase in the mode.
So, given the Gaia values for $ and σ
along with the
EDSD, the only question is the appropriate length scale.
Here I have taken the length scale to be 150/sin(l) parsecs,
with a maximum of 8000 pc, where l is the galactic latitude,
for a disk population. For a halo population, I adopt a length
scale of 8000 pc.
Let us see how all this works for some schematic cases:
For a case with a length scale of 1000 pc, a measured par-
allax of 10.0±0.1 mas gives a D with 1-sigma error bars of
pc, 1.0±0.1 mas gives 1010
pc, 0.1±0.1 mas gives
pc, and -0.1±0.1 mas gives 6200
pc. For a case
with a length scale of 8000 pc, 10.0±0.1 mas gives 100
1.0±0.1 mas gives 1019
pc, 0.1±0.1 mas gives 14300
pc, and -0.1±0.1 mas gives 21500
The Gaia Data Release 1 (DR1) has already returned
the parallaxes for three novae (V603 Aql, RR Pic, and HR
Del), as based on comparisons of Tycho positions plus early-
epoch Gaia positions (Ramsay et al. 2017). But these early
DR1 results have quoted error bars over a full order-of-
magnitude larger than the DR2 results. Nevertheless, the
Ramsay et al. study provided the first look at nova-distances
with Gaia, showing that the short distance scale to SS Cyg
was correct, and providing the first indications that the prior
HST parallaxes and the expansion parallaxes were greatly
worse than advertised.
I have examined 120 novae for reliable inclusion in the
Gaia DR2 data base. A total of 64 novae are included in
Table 1. These are divided into three samples, which I label
as the ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’, and ‘Bronze’ samples. The 26 Gold
novae are those with very well observed light curves from
the SSH sample (Strope, Schaefer, & Henden 2010; SSH) for
which Gaia has a confident detection and a parallax with less
than 30% error. The SSH sample of novae contains the 93
all-time best observed nova light curves, all with exhaustive
light curve information collected together and systematically
analyzed for the various needed light curve properties. The
Gold sample is the best and most reliable, mainly because
these novae are generally the nearest and brightest. The 15
Silver novae are mostly well observed events which are not
included in SSH for various reasons, and for which Gaia
returns a confident identification with a parallax error of
<30%. The 41 novae in the Gold+Silver sample comprises
all the confident and accurate novae parallaxes, and this is
my basic group for testing the prior distances. The 23 Bronze
novae are those for which there is a reliable Gaia detection,
but for which the quoted parallax error bar is >30%. These
novae have no real utility for testing prior distance measures.
However, there is information in the Gaia parallax measures,
but only for statistical purposes.
Many novae are not included into Table 1, for many
reasons. Three recurrent novae with red giant companion
stars (T CrB, RS Oph, and V3890 Sgr) do not have reliable
Gaia parallaxes because their long-period binary orbits will
cause the center-of-light to wobble with shifts comparable to
the parallaxes, so we must await a full solution with a later
data release. The unique nova V445 Pup is recognized in the
DR2 catalog, but no parallax is recorded. Eleven old novae
(including DO Aql, V5592 Sgr, and V1213 Cen) have more
than one candidate around the correct position, but I cannot
decide with any useable confidence as to which (if any) DR2
objects are the real quiescent counterparts. Twenty-six old
novae (including V2274, V2362, and V2467 Cyg, plus V2264,
V2295, V2313, and V2540 Oph) have no confidently identi-
fied counterpart (often likely because the counterpart is very
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 3
faint) so no DR2 object can be taken as a reliable counter-
part. Fifteen old novae (including Nova Sco 1437, V728 Sco,
V977 Sco, and V1187 Sco) have counterparts that are not
seen by Gaia.
For possible inclusion in Table 1, I have looked at nearly
all the known galactic novae for which even poor light curves
are available and for which a counterpart is known. For the
galactic novae with a confident counterpart in Gaia DR2
with σ
/$ < 30%, that is the Gold and Silver samples, I
think that Table 1 is complete. For the galactic novae with a
confident counterpart with σ
/$ > 30%, that is the Bronze
sample, I think that Table 1 is nearly complete, while pos-
sibly missing some obscure novae.
I have included in the Silver sample two unexpected
nova, both being well-known cataclysmic variable (CV) sys-
tems with dwarf nova (DN) eruptions. Both Z Cam and AT
Cnc were discovered to have expanding nova shells pointing
with confidence to classical nova eruptions within previous
centuries, plus the historical identification of ‘guest stars’ in
ancient chronicles (Shara et al. 2007; 2012a; 2016). There
is little light curve information for these old novae. Still,
they are useful because they represent two more cases for
the small set of systems with observed classical nova (CN)
eruptions as well as DN, and these nova systems now have
reliable distances and absolute magnitudes in quiescence,
with application to testing the ‘hibernation model’ (Shara
et al. 1986) of CV evolution.
Table 1 lists all the novae in the Gold, Silver, and Bronze
samples, plus many properties for each nova. My primary
reference is my nova light curve catalog (Strope, Schaefer,
& Henden 2010, SSH), as this contains a comprehensive
and uniform measure of all light curve information for the
93 best-observed novae of all time. This is exactly what is
needed for many of the tests of prior distance measures.
Other primary reference sources are Schaefer (2010) for re-
current novae (RN), Schaefer & Patterson (1983) for BT
Mon, Schaefer et al. (2013) for T Pyx, Salazar et al. (2017)
for V1017 Sgr, Schaefer & Collazzi (2010) for the V1500
Cyg class of novae, and Pagnotta & Schaefer (2014) for
many light curves and properties. Further primary reference
sources as compilations of many nova properties include the
three wonderful and comprehensive papers of Shafter (1997),
Duerbeck (1981), and
onmez et al. (2018), plus the on-
line CV Catalog of Downes, Webbink, & Shara (1997). For
light curve information, for example for the recent nova V392
Per, I have made extensive use of the light curves of the
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO).
For particular novae where there is some gap in the infor-
mation, or where the sources put forth conflicting values, I
have extensively consulted the original papers with the ob-
In Table 1, column 1 lists the nova. Column 2 lists the
sample, either Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Column 3 gives the
nova type, with the basic division being the ‘classical novae’
(CN) and the ‘recurrent novae’ (RN). Various additional di-
visions are included, for example the notation ‘DN’ indicates
that the nova system has been seen to experience dwarf nova
eruptions. (To anticipate, these novae are indistinguishable
from the other novae in terms of their absolute magnitude
in quiescence, with this violating a prediction of the ‘hiber-
nation model’ for the evolution of CVs.) ‘Hi-m’ notates
that the star is a V1500 Cyg system, where the long-post-
eruption quiescence magnitude is over 2.5 mag brighter than
the pre-eruption magnitude (Schaefer & Collazzi 2010). (To
anticipate, what I will find is that the V1500 Cyg systems
are greatly less luminous in quiescence than all other no-
vae systems.) I also notate for V838 Her that it has been
identified by Pagnotta & Schaefer (2014) as being a likely
RN that has had multiple eruptions in the last century but
with only one such discovered. Further, I note that AR Cir
might be a symbiotic system (i.e., have a red giant compan-
ion star), and might have had a symbiotic nova eruption.
Column 5 completes the block describing the novae by giv-
ing the light curve classification from SSH. ‘S’ denotes no-
vae with a smooth light curve, ‘P’ is for light curves with
distinct plateau around the transition phase, ‘O’ class novae
show quasi-periodic oscillations around the transition phase,
‘D’ novae are those with a deep dust dip in the light curve,
‘F’ novae display a long flat top at the maximum of their
light curve, ‘J’ novae have large flares or jitters in their light
curve around the time of maximum, and ‘C’ novae have a
distinct cusp with a slow and accelerating rise to a second
maximum followed by a fast fall.
The next block of Table 1, columns 6 and 7, give the new
Gaia input. This is the measured parallax and its 1-sigma
error bar (in units of milli-arcseconds), and the derived dis-
tance (in units of parsecs). Again, the distances are derived
with the EDSD Bayesian prior, and the quoted error bars
display the central 68.3% of the probability distribution.
The next block of Table 1 contains 6 columns with light
curve information. Column 8 reports the peak magnitude,
m ax
. For two systems (Z Cam and AT Cnc) for which the
nova is only known from ancient historical records (as well as
from their expanding shells), the peak is not known, but it
must have been something like 0±3 mag. It is difficult to de-
fine a formal error bar even for the well-observed light curves
from SSH, but a typical real uncertainty is roughly 0.1–0.2
mag. Some of the light curves in the Silver and Bronze sam-
ples are poorly sampled and the real error bars for V
m ax
can be more like 0.2–0.5 mag. For V1017 Sgr and CT Ser,
the peaks were apparently missed, so there is large uncer-
tainty in V
m ax
, as indicated in column 8. Column 9 gives the
magnitude at a time 15 days after peak, V
, and the uncer-
tainties are only larger than for V
m ax
. An additional problem
is knowing the date of the peak (especially in the case of the
J-class novae), and often the light curve 15-days after the
maximum is fast fading, so large changes in V
result from
modest uncertainties in the peak date. Column 10 gives the
average quiescent magnitude, V
. I have taken pre-eruption
magnitudes (Collazzi et al. 2009) in preference when avail-
able. (This is important for the V1500 Cyg stars, as the
absolute magnitude before eruption is better to show the
accretion rate appropriate for the long-term evolution.) The
ubiquitous magnitude variations in quiescence are roughly
0.5–2.0 mag, so with the inevitable poor sampling, it will
be hard even to define the average with much accuracy. The
uncertainties in V
are hard to know, although typical error
bars might be ±1 mag. Column 11 is the V-band extinction
) from the interstellar medium. Most of the tabulated ex-
tinctions are from compilations involving multiple measures
from a wide variety of methods. I have converted reported
E(B V) values to A
as 3.1 × E(B V), as appropriate for
the local dust in our Milky Way’s disk. Again, formal error
bars for extinctions are hard to get, with typical uncertain-
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
4 B. E. Schaefer
ties being perhaps 0.1–0.3 or perhaps 10%–30%. Columns
12 and 13 list the values for t
and t
, given in units of days,
defined as the time it takes the light curves to fall by 2.0
or 3.0, respectively, mag from the peak. Again, formal error
bars are difficult, even for well-sampled S-class light curves,
and real error bars might be 10%–30%. For novae with sub-
stantial jitters or with poorly sampled light curves, the real
error bars can easily be 30%–50%.
The last block of Table 1 is the derived absolute mag-
nitudes at maximum (M
m ax
) and in quiescence (M
). These
are calculated from the tabulated values with the absolute
magnitude equalling V A
5 log[D] + 5.
For comparing the prior nova-distances with those from
Gaia, we need quantitative measures of the errors in the dis-
tance. The size the distance errors can be quantified as some
function of either D
pr ior
= D or D
pr ior
where D
pr ior
is the pre-Gaia distance from a set being
tested in this paper and D
is the distance from the
Gaia parallaxes. The errors in these will be dominated by
the prior measures, and these are often with asymmetrical
distributions, such that the quantity log
pr ior
will usually have a more symmetric distribution. With a
common use for the nova distances being to get luminosi-
ties and energetics, a useful measure of the distance error
will be the error in the distance modulus, µ. We have
µ = 5 × log
pr ior
]. This quantity tells us the
error in the absolute magnitude arising due to the error in
the prior distance to the nova. This can be related to the
fractional distance error as F = D/D
= 10
The F value loses its simple meaning as a symmetric mea-
sure when F starts getting large, so the µ statistic is the
general solution.
With multiple independent measures of µ for a set of
prior nova distances, the RMS scatter will equal the average
measurement error for the set. Note, this RMS scatter will
be about some best fit average, so that if the prior distances
have a substantial bias, the real errors in the prior distances
will be substantially larger. In general, the bulk of this scat-
ter in µ comes from the uncertainty in the prior distance, so
we can adopt the RMS scatter, σ
as the easy-to-calculate
measure of the 1-sigma error bar for the average of the prior
distances. The prior distances might be biased, either long
or short. This can be quantified by the average differences
in the distance moduli, hµi.
We also need a measure of the size of the error bars
for the prior distances. I will use the measure χ D/σ,
with a similarity of meaning as in the usual chi-square
summation. The total error bar in the difference D is
= σ
pr i or
+ σ
G ai a
. If the quoted error bars are ac-
curate, then the distribution of the observed χ values for a
set of nova distances should have an RMS scatter of near
unity. If the error bars are systematically smaller than the
real scatter in the distance errors, then the RMS will be
much larger than unity. So σ
is a measure of the relative
size of the quoted error bars with respect to the real error
Of the various possible measures of the errors, individ-
ual novae can be quantified with µ, while the average real
errors of the collection of distances can be represented by
, the size of the reported error bars can be expressed by
, and the bias in the reported distances is hµi. An un-
biased set of prior distances with σ
=10% errors will have
near 0.21 mag, σ
1.0, and h µi0.0.
For some applications, it is useful to define similar
statistics involving the parallax itself (as opposed to the dis-
tance), with this enjoying the advantage that the error bars
in parallax have a good Gaussian distribution. The statis-
tic µ = 5 × log
pr ior
] can be easily calculated.
With this, we can get hµi and σ
. We can also define the
fractional error in parallax as F = ($
pr ior
with this being similar to F. As a measure of the size of the
error bars, we can use the statistic ψ ($
pr ior
with σ
= σ
pr i or
+ σ
G ai a
. The RMS value of ψ for a set
of novae parallaxes will be σ
, with this being similar and
close to σ
. So the quality of a set of prior novae parallaxes
can be evaluated with the three values for hµi (a measure
of bias high-or-low), σ
(measure of the real 1-sigma error
in the associated magnitude), and σ
(a measure of the size
of the reported error bars).
In this section, I will systematically check prior nova
distances from many different methods. I will not address
the important sets of novae that reside in other galaxies
(LMC, M31, and M87) for which many workers have derived
distances independent of the novae.
3.1 Testing Prior Parallaxes
For the past history of astronomy, the geometrical parallax
has always been the ‘gold standard’. Unfortunately, few no-
vae can get any useable parallax, at least before Gaia. The
only prior useable parallaxes were measured with the Fine
Guidance Sensors, FGS, on the HST (Benedict, McArthur,
Nelan, & Harrison 2016). Harrison et al. (2013) report on
FGS parallaxes for four of the brightest and nearest classi-
cal novae.
The FGS measured parallaxes are given in Table 2 and
Figure1, along with the measured parallaxes of Gaia DR2.
I will make the comparison between the parallaxes (and not
the derived distances) because that is possible for the FGS
parallaxes without any conversions dependent on Bayesian
priors, and then the quoted error bars will have a Gaussian
In a comparison of the HST and Gaia parallaxes, we
see a relatively good match. However, the differences are
large compared to the claimed error bars. The worst case
is for V603 Aql, where the difference in reported parallaxes
is 0.820 mas, while the total 1-sigma uncertainty in the dif-
ference is 0.153 mas, so the HST parallax is in error by
ψ=5.4-sigma. This is too large to be from random measure-
ment error with the quoted error bars. And the parallaxes
for DQ Her are different at the ψ=2.9-sigma level. This again
suggests that the HST parallaxes have some unrealized and
substantial systematic error. Both of these cases have the
HST parallaxes being larger than the Gaia values. However,
GK Per has a ψ=-1.3-sigma deviation, while RR Pic has a
ψ=-0.2-sigma deviation, both in the opposite direction from
the first two, with these two cases showing scatter as might
be expected from random measurement errors. So we have a
mixed bag for the comparisons, with half the novae having
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 5
apparent significant systematic errors, while the other half
does not.
To be quantitative, the average value of the difference
in the distance moduli is hµi = 0.21, while the RMS scat-
ter of these differences is σ
= 0.37. This corresponds to
an RMS error in the parallax of 19%. The differences in
parallax, in units of the total 1-sigma error bar, has an aver-
age of hψi=1.7 and an RMS of σ
=3.03. This goes to show
that the FGS parallaxes have systematic errors that average
three-times larger than the quoted error bars. So the real
FGS error bars are on average 3× larger than published.
Unfortunately, the one other HST FGS parallax to a
CV also shows big problems. In particular, Harrison et al.
(1999; 2000; 2004) reported that the prototypical dwarf nova
SS Cyg has a parallax of 6.06±0.44 mas. But this was found
to disagree greatly from the VLBI measured parallax of
8.80±0.12 mas (Miller-Jones et al. 2013). Further, the small
reported FGS parallax forced SS Cyg to such a high lumi-
nosity such that accretion-disk theory strongly states that
the dwarf-nova-instability is impossible (Schreiber & La-
sota 2013). This set up a severe conundrum for the field
of CVs (that includes novae). Most workers in our commu-
nity thought that the discrepancy was resolved by Nelan
& Bond (2013) when they did a complete reanalysis of the
same FGS data and derived a parallax of 8.30±0.41 mas.
Now, Gaia gives a parallax of $
=8.724±0.049 mas, and
all doubts about the controversy are gone. So the conclu-
sion is that the early reported FGS parallax must have had
some sort of subtle analysis error. This is disconcerting be-
cause the Harrison papers had triply-repeated analysis by
the best and most experienced workers in both astrometry
and in the HST FGS. The lesson from this is that even the
HST FGS parallaxes are sufficiently tricky as to have large
systematic errors.
This is all rather discouraging for the FGS parallaxes.
However, to keep the issues in perspective, the FGS nova
distances are still the best measures prior to Gaia.
To further evaluate geometrical parallaxes for CVs, we
have a long series of ground-based measures of very nearby
systems by J. Thorstensen and coworkers. In a tour de
force, Thorstensen (2003) and Thorstensen, epine, & Shara
(2008) present 26 geometrical parallaxes for faint and nearby
CVs, with the images taken with the 2.4-m telescope at
MDM Observatory. These can be compared to the Gaia DR2
parallaxes (see Figure1). I find that the RMS scatter of the
differences in distance moduli is 0.54 mag, while the aver-
age difference is -0.37 mag. The differences in units of the
total 1-sigma difference have an RMS scatter of 1.06. With
this, we see that the Thorstensen parallaxes have an accu-
racy only slightly worse than HST, a moderate bias towards
overestimating the CV distances, and accurately reported
error bars. This reliability and accuracy is remarkably good.
3.2 Testing Expansion Parallaxes From Nova
Novae often eject visible shells, seen to expand for years
and decades. If we take the expansion velocity of some part
of the shell to be given by some part of the wings of the
early nova emission lines, then the distance to the nova is a
simple calculation from the angular size of the shell and the
time since the eruption. Such distances are called ‘expansion
parallaxes’. Such distances are known for only around 30
novae. In the absence of real parallaxes, these distances were
perceived as being the best around, and thus the expansion
parallaxes became the primary way to calibrate and test
other distance methods.
Unfortunately, this method has a greatly-larger real un-
certainty than is usually recognized. (1) The relevant veloc-
ity might be given by the Half-Width-Zero-Intensity or the
Half-Width-Half-Maximum of the emission line profile, with
a factor of two difference in distance. And many novae have
weird ‘castellated’ profiles or P-Cygni profiles, and it is to-
tally unclear as to what to use then. Indeed, the literature
has little discussion and no understanding as to where to
pick the velocities from the profiles. Further, the profiles
vary substantially from line-to-line, and the line widths de-
crease by over factors of two from early-to-late in the erup-
tion. All of these lead to roughly factor-of-two errors in the
distances. (2) The relevant angular radius can be taken from
a wide range of isophotal values, from the peak of some sup-
posed ring, to the edge as defined by the steepest drop in
the profile, to the outermost position with shell light. Many
shells are poorly resolved, with some correction required for
the point-spread-function of the imaging, with few workers
making any such corrections. Most shells have large-scale
out-of-round shapes (with observed axial ratios up to 1.42,
see Downes & Duerbeck 2000), and have knobby features
that extend out farther, so which radius should be used?
For the ‘simple’ question of using just one (out of a contin-
uum) of isophotal levels, Wade et al. (2000) have six different
ways of defining the effective radius. The literature has little
discussion and no theoretical guidance as to how to choose
a radius that corresponds to the velocity somehow selected.
Rather, multiple workers just plea for observers to simply
report what they did, a plea that is usually dodged. Again,
these reasonable choices lead to a factor of two uncertainty
in the distances. (3) The radial velocities along the line of
sight are usually substantially different from the expansion
velocity in the transverse directions. This is demonstrated
by the fact that most novae have substantially out-of-round
shells (Downes & Duerbeck 2000). This is further shown for
many novae with massive high-velocity jets (e.g., GK Per,
see Shara et al. 2012b) and for shells with bipolar shapes.
For the third time, we recognize ubiquitous errors at the
factor-of-two level, with none of these being discussed much
or included in published error bars.
To test the expansion-parallax distances, I have col-
lected published values for 22 novae that are in my Gold and
Silver samples. Most of them have many published values,
with these being given in Table 3. These values have been
compiled from Downes & Duerbeck (2000),
onmez et al.
(2016), Slavin (1997), and Shafter (1997), which are them-
selves compilations of values calculated from many sources.
The distances for each nova are not all independent, with
many of the results sharing input.
It is disconcerting to see the huge range of values for
many of the novae. This is a strong measure of the large size
of the real error bars for the expansion-parallax method.
Further, a third of the published distances have larger than
50% true errors. On the plus side, only 12% of the published
distances have errors by greater than a factor of two.
The first set I will evaluate is the distances collected
in Slavin (1997), because this includes quoted error bars for
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
6 B. E. Schaefer
all. For this set of 9 novae, I calculate that σ
equals 1.04
mag, corresponding to a 1-sigma uncertainty of a factor of
2.6× in luminosity. Further, σ
equals 3.6, which shows that
the reported error bars are on average a factor of 3.6× too
small. With h µi= -0.10 mag, there is no bias.
The next data set is all 75 measures reported in Table
3 (see Figure 2). Most of these have no quoted error bars.
A measure of the real error in the reported distances is that
= 0.95 mag, which points to an average 1-sigma error
of a factor of 2.4× in luminosity. The expansion-parallax
distances appear unbiased, as hµi equals -0.06 mag. For
use in calculating σ
, I have adopted σ
pr i or
= C × D
pr ior
as some sort of an average error. I must adjust C to equal
0.60 so as to get σ
equal to unity, which is to say that the
real error bars are 60% on average.
What we see is that the expansion-parallax method is
far worse than is the popular idea that this is the canoni-
cal method. (But I expect that the researchers who special-
ize in the method are well aware that the real uncertain-
ties are frustratingly large, c.f. Downes & Duerbeck 2000;
Wade, Harlow, & Ciardullo 2000.) The real error is some-
thing like 2.6×, and this makes this method largely use-
less for many applications. Still, for some applications, the
expansion-parallax is the best that we can get, and a factor-
of-two is better than no idea at all.
3.3 Testing Blackbody Distances For The
Secondary Stars
A relatively new method to get a distance to a nova is to
derive the blackbody distance to the secondary star. To do
this, we need to isolate the flux from the secondary star and
quantify it by its surface temperature (T ) and a measure
of its flux at some wavelength ( f
). The radius of the sec-
ondary star (R
) is tightly constrained by the orbital period
in a Roche lobe filling situation, with little dependence on
the star masses. The luminosity is given by L = σT
× 4πR
For a blackbody spectrum of the secondary, this luminosity
can be used to calculate the luminosity at the wavelength of
observation, L
. The distance to the nova (D) then comes
from solving the equation f
= L
). The only tricky
part is isolating the light from the secondary alone. Given
the hot disk in the system, the secondary can be isolated
when it is large and cool, so we can see its near-infrared
peak in the system’s spectral energy distribution. Further,
to minimize the effects of irradiation on the companion from
the hot white dwarf, we need to look at the orbital phase
with the unilluminated hemisphere pointing at Earth (hope-
fully during mid-eclipse).
Few novae have the large cool companion stars required
for this method. Only the RN with red giant companions
(T CrB, RS Oph, V3489 Sgr, V745 Sco) and a few novae
with orbital periods longer than a day (U Sco and V1017
Sgr) are possible for this method. Blackbody distances are
reported for these stars in Schaefer (2008; 2010), Schaefer et
al. (2013), and Salazar et al. (2017). In practice, this physics-
based method promises to be fairly accurate.
The blackbody-distances have proven particularly use-
ful for recognizing an old error that has since become can-
onized in the literature. Specifically, one of the first mea-
sures of the distance to RS Oph was where Hjellming et al.
(1986) claimed a distance of 1600 pc based on a measure of
the intervening ISM extinction, with the blunder being that
they assumed that the extinction along the entire line-of-
sight was that appropriate for the mid-plane of our Milky
Way, whereas RS Oph has a galactic latitude of +10.37
, so
the line-of-sight quickly passes outside most of the galaxy’s
dust and the reported distance is greatly too small (Schae-
fer 2009; 2010). This estimate was for a long time the pri-
mary published distance, and the later researchers merely
cited the 1600 pc distance repeatedly, until the value be-
came canonical and unquestioned (Barry et al. 2006; Schae-
fer 2009; 2010). With this canonized error, the system is so
close that the calculated blackbody radius of the secondary
star must greatly underfill its Roche lobe (Schaefer 2009).
This then forced unsuspecting theorists to rig models where
the accretion onto the white dwarf was entirely by the sec-
ondary’s stellar wind. Still, none noticed that it was impos-
sible for such models to get an adequate mass accretion rate
onto the white dwarf so as to sustain the frequent recurrent
nova events. It was only when a blackbody distance to RS
Oph was calculated that the whole series of blunders came
unravelled (Schaefer 2009). Still, the inertia of all the older
astronomers having grown up with the ‘traditional’ distance
is a potent bandwagon effect that is hard to overcome. Into
this setting, a Gaia parallax would settle the distance, even
for the old-timers.
Unfortunately, Gaia DR2 does not have reliable mea-
sures of the parallaxes for the four RN with red giant com-
panions. The big problem is that the system’s binary orbit
will make the center of light wobble back and forth with a
greater amplitude than the parallax itself. Further, the or-
bital periods are comparable to a year, so the Gaia sampling
will inevitably mix and confuse the orbital wobble with the
parallax wobble. Let us take an example of RS Oph, where
its orbital period of 453 days (along with stellar masses of
1.3 M
for the white dwarf and 1.0 M
for the companion),
the semi-major axis of the orbit is 1.54 AU, so the orbital
wobble has a radius of 0.67 mas at a distance of 2300 pc
(Schaefer 2009), which is larger than the parallax of 0.43
mas at that distance. (Fortunately, the novae with orbital
periods of a few days or shorter will have only very small
effects on the Gaia parallaxes. For an extreme example, GK
Per, with its nearby location and a two-day period, should
have an orbital wobble of 0.088 mas, with this being greatly
smaller than the quoted parallax of 2.263 mas. However, the
orbital wobble is larger than the quoted parallax error of
0.043 mas, so there must be some systematic error intro-
duced by the wobble even if only at the 3% level. The only
systems where this small effect can be noticed are GK Per
and V1017 Sgr.) So Gaia DR2 might have reported a for-
mal parallax for the four RN with red giant companions,
but these values are certainly wrong due to huge systematic
errors arising from their orbital wobbles.
So Gaia DR2 does not have useable parallaxes for T
CrB, RS Oph, V3489 Sgr, or V745 Sco due to their orbital
wobble. And U Sco is too far to produce a useable parallax,
and indeed the DR2 parallax is negative. So the blackbody-
distance method can now only be tested for one nova, V1017
Sgr. Salazar et al. (2017) give two calculations for the dis-
tance by this one method, and concludes that V1017 Sgr
is at a distance of 1240±200 pc. Gaia DR2 gives a paral-
lax that translates into a distance of 1269
pc. The two
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 7
distances agree closely. From this one nova as a test for the
whole method, I get χ = 0.14 and µ = 0.05 mag.
For the future, analysis of Gaia positions with a full
model for the orbit will readily produce a very accurate dis-
tance and orbit for RS Oph and the other three recurrent
novae with red giant companions. Perhaps Gaia can also
pull out an orbit for AR Cir, which might have a red giant
companion, and then a blackbody-distance can be derived
and compared. Another test can be made by using extant
observations of GK Per to get its blackbody-distance.
3.4 Testing Distances From Measures of
Interstellar Extinction
Another ubiquitous method to estimate nova distances is to
measure some property of the nova that depends on the col-
umn density through the interstellar medium (ISM), some-
how know that property as a function of distance, and then
spot the distance to the nova. The measured property is of-
ten the color excess, E(B V), (or one of its variants), or
the equivalent width of the ISM sodium absorption lines (or
some other ISM line). The primary problem is always that
the function for extinction versus distance has a tremendous
amount of scatter. This problem is notorious, with such de-
rived distances only qualifying as order-of-magnitude esti-
mates. But many nova researchers (including myself) have
often used this method, simply because there is nothing bet-
ter and we desperately need some sort of a distance. Now,
with the Gaia DR2 nova distances, we can see exactly how
good or bad are the extinction-distances.
Recently, A.
onmez and coworkers have pioneered a
new method for getting E(B V ) as a function of distance,
as based on measures of red clump stars with several in-
frared sky surveys (
onmez et al. 2016; 2018). Red clump
stars have a known absolute magnitude, their reddenings can
be measured, and their distances deduced. This ‘reddening-
distance relation’ (RDR) method has a strong advantage
that many calibration stars can be measured over a wide
range of distances, so the reddening-distance function will
have good resolution in distance. Further, there are many
calibration stars near the line of sight to the novae, so the
calibration for each novae is for the relevant function with
distance. A disadvantage of the RDR method that some no-
vae are closer or farther than the majority of the extinction
so only limits on the distance can be obtained. Neverthe-
less, the method has the strong advantage that it provides
reasonable distances for most galactic novae.
onmez et
al. (2018) has provided an exhaustive list of their derived
distances for almost all known galactic novae. I judge that
the RDR method is substantially better than the prior hap-
hazard work.
With the Gaia distances, we can determine the real ac-
curacy of the RDR method.
onmez et al. (2016) give
novae distances for 15 novae that appear in my Gold and
Silver samples. I calculate that σ
equals 1.32 mag, σ
equals 4.25, and hµi equals -0.05 mag. Further,
mez et al. (2018) reports on 5 novae from the Gold and
Silver samples, some with distances updated from their ear-
lier work, with these allowing a mostly-independent measure
of the accuracy of the RDR method. For these five novae,
equals 1.01 mag, σ
equals 1.31, and hµi equals +0.12
mag. From these numbers, we see an accuracy comparable to
that of expansion parallax. This is a testament to both the
nice improvements of the RDR over the earlier haphazard
work on the ISM methods, as well as the greatly-poorer-
than-advertised accuracy of the expansion parallax method.
Further, we see that the reported error bars are a factor
of 1.3–4.2 times too small as compared to their real errors.
And, we see that there is no bias in the reported distances.
In all, we see the RDR as a new method that is applicable to
most galactic novae, where its real error bars are comparable
to the those of the much-vaunted expansion parallax.
onmez et al. (2018) puts together a catalog for es-
sentially all galactic novae, listing distances and properties,
all with good selections. A fraction of the novae are not
able to have RDR distances, usually because the nova is
past most of the Milky Way’s dust so only a distance-limit
is possible. For novae with trigonometric parallaxes, expan-
sion parallaxes, and black-body distances, these are tabu-
lated instead of the RDR distances. I calculate for 28 novae
in the Gold and Silver samples that σ
equals 1.15 mag, σ
equals 2.45, and h µi equals -0.05 mag. This shows a catalog
of nova distances comparable to the accuracy of the expan-
sion parallaxes, with reported error bars 2.45× smaller than
the real error bars, and no bias. In Section 5, I will be con-
cluding that this catalog of
onmez is now the best source
for getting novae distances when they are not available from
3.5 Testing The Maximum-Magnitude
Rate-of-Decline (MMRD) Relation
The MMRD is a relation between the speed of decline
and the peak luminosity. The rate of decline is quantified
by either t
or t
, the time from the date of peak un-
til the light curve has faded by 2 or 3 magnitudes below
the peak, respectively. The peak luminosity is taken to be
the absolute magnitude (corrected for extinction) at the
maximum in the light curve. The MMRD relation is the
equation that represents the situation that fast-fading no-
vae are more luminous than slow-fading novae. The best
prior versions of the MMRD are from Downes & Duerbeck
(2000), as shown in Figure 4. Their best fit relation for t
is M
m ax
= (−11.99 ± 0.56) + (2.54 ± 0.35) × log[t
]. They con-
cluded that the scatter was so large as to make this use-
ful only for statistical studies. Despite this clear conclusion,
with only poor alternatives, many researchers have applied
the MMRD to single systems, often presuming a greater ac-
curacy than is warranted. Now with the Gaia distances, we
can evaluate the real accuracy of the MMRD, and perhaps
tighten the relation.
Historically, the MMRD has been relied on too much
(e.g., Schaefer 2010), mainly because it can be applied to
most novae, and there are only poor alternatives available
otherwise. In the meantime, a variety of theoretical justi-
fications have been proposed to explain the MMRD (e.g.,
Shara 1981; Livio 1992). And the novae in the Large Magel-
lanic Cloud follow the same galactic MMRD (Shafter 2013),
again with a large scatter. Into this situation, Kasliwal et
al. (2011) dropped a startling result that the novae in M31
(plus some novae in M81, M82, NGC 2403, and NGC 891)
do not follow the MMRD. Instead, the M31 novae have a
scatter in M
m ax
from -6 mag to -10 mag, with few falling
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
8 B. E. Schaefer
anywhere near the Downes & Duerbeck MMRD. Further,
they showed with my data (Schaefer 2010) on recurrent no-
vae that this subset of Milky Way novae also do not follow
the MMRD (see Figure 5). This is particularly embarrass-
ing for the MMRD because a substantial portion of many
of my distance estimates come from the MMRD, and also
because roughly a quarter of the so-called classical novae are
actually recurrent novae masquerading as classical novae be-
cause only one eruption has been discovered from their mul-
tiple eruptions within the last century (Pagnotta & Schaefer
2014). Further, Kasliwal et al. (2011) pointed out that theo-
retical models of nova eruptions (those in Yaron et al. 2005)
do not follow the MMRD. And then Shara et al. (2017) re-
cently demonstrated that the novae in M87 do not obey the
MMRD, nor any other function, with most all of the novae
being far below the galactic MMRD. With the utter lack of
any relation for galactic recurrent novae, M31 novae, M87
novae, and theoretical models of novae, Shara et al. declared
in their paper’s title that they were “Snuffing out the Max-
imum Magnitude-Rate of Decline Relation for Novae as a
Non-standard Candle”.
The primary uncertainty for the galactic MMRD has
been the nova distances, so now with Gaia we can test the
relation. To create an MMRD plot (like in Figure 4) for
the galactic novae, I have used the light curve data com-
piled into Table 1 for the Gold and Silver samples. This is
shown in Figure 6. We see an MMRD with a scatter that is
much larger than in Figure 4. So the better set of distances
has not tightened up the MMRD. What we see is that the
prior MMRD relation (solid black line in Figure 4) is a bad
and very biased representation of the data. The scatter is
so large that the MMRD cannot even be used for statisti-
cal purposes. Indeed, the scatter is getting so large that we
can start questioning whether these galactic nova have a re-
lation at all. So, the MMRD essentially fails the new Gaia
Let me quantify this. For each nova, we can use the
Downes & Duerbeck MMRD relation to get a peak abso-
lute magnitude (M
m ax
) for the observed t
, and then the
distance modulus is the usual µ = V
m ax
m ax
. We
get the distance with the usual equation; D
pr ior
= 10
I am using the Downes & Duerbeck MMRD as the best
of the published relations, because we are testing the prior
nova distances derived with this method. The average to-
tal 1-sigma uncertainty for µ is equal to the observed RMS
scatter in the left panel of Figure 4, which equals 0.77 mag.
A plot of D
pr ior
versus D
is given in Figure 7. For the
39 novae in the combined Gold and Silver samples, I cal-
culate that h µi=0.73 mag,σ
=1.31 mag, and σ
These show a poor MMRD. From the start of this study, I
took the Gold+Silver sample to be the best for evaluating
the prior MMRD distances. So this poor showing is the best
evaluation of the MMRD.
The Bronze sample of 23 galactic novae is defined as
those with a confident identification in the Gaia DR2 cat-
alog for which the fractional error in the parallax (σ
is greater than 30%. By the selection criteria, the Bronze
sample must have large error bars in both the distances and
parallaxes. In Figure 8, I plot the prior distances and par-
allaxes versus the Gaia values. Like in Figure 7, the scat-
ter about the diagonal line is huge. The value parameters
for this Bronze set of novae has σ
=2.20, σ
=1.68, and
hµi=0.44, which are horrible. But for this sample, the mea-
surement errors are so large that any conclusion about the
scatter intrinsic to the MMRD must be weak. Still, there is
some information in the Bronze sample. However, for most
purposes of this paper, the Bronze sample does not provide
useful constraints.
Surprisingly, we get two greatly different pictures when
we break up the sample into the Gold and Silver groups
separately. For the MMRD plot, this is shown in Figure 9.
We see that the Gold sample is shows an apparently signifi-
cant relation between M
m ax
and t
, albeit with huge scatter
and significantly different from the MMRD of Downes &
Duerbeck. But for the Silver sample, all we see is a scatter
diagram with a huge range and the MMRD relation does not
exist. This is a striking difference. So the rest of section 3.5
will be trying to understand the difference between the two
panels of Figure 9, and trying to reconcile them together.
3.5.1 Possible Selection Effects For Novae Showing the
After the utter failure of the MMRD for M31, M87, the
RNe, and for theory models, our community was faced with
reconciling that some galactic novae nevertheless show the
MMRD. My personal suspicion was that the galactic no-
vae and their measured values were somehow selected out
to roughly match the MMRD. It is easy to consciously-or-
unconsciously pick out the distance (e.g., from Table 3) or
peak magnitude or extinction such that approximate agree-
ment with the expected luminosity is achieved. Our nova
community should not be offended at this possibility, as such
‘band-wagon’ effects occur too-often throughout physics and
astrophysics even in modern times, with notorious and long-
lasting cases involving astronomical distances, including the
distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (Schaefer 2008) and
the debates over the value of the Hubble constant. So this
possible reconciliation would suggest that some consistent
set of input for some sort of a complete and unbiased sam-
ple of galactic novae and their properties would show no
MMRD, just like for M31 and M87.
A test of this idea for reconciliation concerns the galac-
tic RNe. The selection of all ten known systems has nothing
to do with validity with respect to the MMRD, and my col-
lection of measured values (Schaefer 2010) was systematic,
exhaustive, and independent. These RNe were selected with
identical biases as were the CNe, yet no MMRD is seen (see
Figure 5), pointing to the selection effects in Figures 4 and
9a as not being relevant.
I do not see any substantial evidence in favor of a band-
wagon effect for the MMRD. To the contrary, the selection of
novae for my SSH sample (i.e., those novae from amongst the
93 best observed novae of all time) was made completely in-
dependently of all issues that would affect the MMRD plot.
The novae selected into SSH were picked entirely for the
availability of excellent light curve data. From the SSH sam-
ple, our Gold sample was the subset for which Gaia returns
a parallax with σ
/$<0.3. Similarly, the MMRD displayed
by the LMC novae (Shafter 2013) cannot have selection ef-
fects because Shafter was simply taking exhaustive and uni-
form inputs for all known LMC novae, while the discovery
surveys go much deeper than needed to catch all the novae.
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 9
So I am not seeing how any bandwagon mechanisms can
operate on the Gold and LMC samples.
There is some selection for the Gold sample based
on distance and V
m ax
. Let us try constructing a selec-
tion effect that might create an apparent MMRD. The
MMRD might be manufactured by somehow selecting
against slow/overluminous novae and fast/subluminous no-
vae. Well, the overluminous events will not be selected
against, so this cannot account for the dearth of systems
well above the MMRD in Figures 6 or 7. Rather, the void
in the upper-right corner of the MMRD plots is apparently
real and resulting from the physics of the novae, as con-
firmed by the void in the upper-right of the MMRD plots
for all samples.
So what about selecting against the fast/subluminous
novae? Certainly, the Gold sample has selection for the
brighter novae, and this forms a bias against the sublu-
minous events. But I do not see how this can make for a
lack of low-luminosity novae for only the fast events. Here
are my various reasons: (1) Any selection effects on mea-
sured nova properties do not depend on the event duration,
so the slow/subluminous novae will have the same bias as
the fast/subluminous novae, but this is not seen as many
slow/subluminous novae appear in Figure 6. (2) The discov-
ery efficiency for novae is only a relatively weak function of
the peak magnitude (see section 7.1 of Schaefer 2010), the
m ax
distribution in SSH is very broad, and Gaia returns
parallaxes with σ
/$<0.3 for most novae with quiescent
counterparts brighter than around 17 mag. With this, se-
lection effects can only be weak. (3) The discovery selec-
tion effects for Silver sample are the same as for the no-
vae in the Gold sample, yet only the Gold sample has no
fast/subluminous events. The discovery selection effects for
recurrent novae are the same as for the novae in the Gold
sample (Schaefer 2010), yet only the Gold sample has no
fast/subluminous events.
In all, for trying to reconcile the stark differences be-
tween the Gold and Silver samples, I can find no useful evi-
dence or effective logic to attribute the difference to selection
or bandwagon effects.
3.5.2 Possible Data Errors For the MMRD Outliers
Another possible way to reconcile the two parts of Figure
9 is to simply claim that the outliers in the Silver sample
are erroneous. After all, the Gold sample is the best data,
so it is not surprising that a sample of inferior data could
have far outliers that mask the underlying MMRD. This
is an easy and glib way to defend the MMRD. And this
reconciliation is plausible. However, it is a dangerous route
for scientists to glibly ignore a large fraction of the data so
as to defend some traditional and long-used idea. Rather,
we should closely examine all the inputs (V
m ax
, A
, t
, and
) to see if we can impeach the result so as to allow the
nova to fit the MMRD. In this section, I will consider the
eight novae that are outliers from the MMRD in Figure 6.
CI Aql: CI Aql has well-measured V
m ax
, t
, and A
values, while the identity of the quiescent counterpart in the
Gaia DR2 results is of high confidence. The only way that
I can think of that CI Aql can be impeached for placement
in the MMRD plot is to declare that recurrent novae are
somehow different from classical novae and the MMRD is
not expected to apply. But any such post facto creation of
an exception to get rid of one outlier is bad science. More
specifically, the physics of classical novae and recurrent no-
vae are identical, so the MMRD should apply to the entire
range of eruptions. Further, the RNe form a continuum with
the classical novae (where the recurrence time scale spans a
broad range), so there is no reason to think that the nova
mechanism has a sudden change at any specific recurrence
time scale. And about a quarter of the so-called classical no-
vae are really RNe with multiple eruptions within the last
century (Pagnotta & Schaefer 2014), so many novae in our
Gold sample should also be outliers, but such is not seen. In
all, CI Aql is a very confident outlier to the MMRD.
BC Cas: BC Cas is a sparsely observed nova, so we
can glibly think that the true values for the input are suf-
ficiently different from those in Table 1 so that agreement
with the MMRD might be reached. Well, the confident light
curve in Duerbeck (1984) might be sparse, but it is adequate
to give a more-than-good-enough measure of the maximum
magnitude. That is, there is a pre-peak limit that tightly
constrains the peak, and color effects are too small to make
a difference. To get to the MMRD, the peak would have to
be 2.5 mag brighter than observed, and this is not plausi-
ble. The extinction value from Harrison, Campbell, & Lyke
(2013) is reliable, and A
is certainly not 2.5 mag larger.
Further, Liu & Hu (2000) has confidently identified the qui-
escent counterpart, and it is certainly the source listed in the
Gaia catalog. In all, there is no way to impeach the place-
ment of BC Cas on the MMRD plot, so it remains a far
AR Cir: AR Cir has a poorly observed light curve,
and it is not impossible that the quiescent counterpart is
the g=20.3 star a bit further northwest of the ‘bright star’.
But the best way to impeach its placement on the MMRD
plot is to note that AR Cir might well be a symbiotic nova.
(A symbiotic nova eruption is distinct from a classical nova
eruption that happens to occur in a CV binary where one
component is a red giant. The real symbiotic nova eruptions
have light curves that have durations of a year to a decade or
more and low amplitudes from 1 to 5 mags. A CV accreting
system with a red giant will formally be a symbiotic star,
having both a hot and cold component in their spectrum,
but a thermonuclear eruption on the white dwarf can be ei-
ther a normal nova or a greatly-different symbiotic nova.)
The evidence for this is a low outburst amplitude, a nomi-
nal t
of 330 days or longer, and an unresolved companion
of late type (Harrison 1996). However, the amplitude of 8
mag is too large for a symbiotic nova eruption, so this iden-
tification of AR Cir as a symbiotic nova is problematic. The
physics of symbiotic novae is different from that of classical
novae, so we have no reason to think that they should fol-
low the MMRD. (Similarly, we should not be placing Type
Ia supernova onto the MMRD plot.) Thus, by pushing past
the evidence (in particular the 8 mag amplitude), we might
think that AR Cir is not useful to be an example of an ex-
treme outlier from the MMRD.
V1330 Cyg: V1330 Cyg only lies 1.5 mag off the
Downes & Duerbeck MMRD. The nova was discovered on 8
June 1970 (with no useful pre-discovery plates), at which
time the light curve was already slowly fading. Ciatti &
Rosino (19) have spectra to show that the nova was 20–25
days past peak at discovery, putting the extrapolated peak
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
10 B. E. Schaefer
around 15 May 1970 at an estimated 7.5 mag. This extrap-
olated peak is 2.4 mag brighter than tabulated in SSH and
Table 1, and this would be enough to bring V1330 Cyg into
agreement with the MMRD. But Ciatti & Rosino also es-
timate t
20 days, apparently as based on the observed
decline rate starting a bit after peak. (The fast decline is
also given by the He/N nature of the spectrum, as well as by
the high expansion velocity.) Further, they measure that the
B V color is always zero or negative, so we must have A
0.0 mag. With these changes to Table 1, we have M
m ax
-4.8 mag (for a fast t
) and V1330 Cyg is 3.9 mag below
the MMRD. So while attempts to impeach the inputs re-
veals large uncertainties, V1330 Cyg does appear to be a far
BT Mon: BT Mon is 2.8 mag below the MMRD. This
nova has a well-observed light curve with a flat maximum
lasting >60 days (Schaefer & Patterson 1983), with this serv-
ing as the prototype of the F-class for nova light curves
(SSH). The spectral evidence places the time of maximum
around the time of the start of the flat maximum. It is possi-
ble for a willful researcher to speculate that there was a peak
2.8 mag brighter and before the observed flat maximum,
but such an unprecedented light curve shape can only be
adopted by someone desperately trying to save the MMRD
from another outlier. So I conclude that BT Mon is a confi-
dent outlier.
HZ Pup: HZ Pup is 3.0 mag below the MMRD. The
light curve of Hoffmeister (1965) shows a maximum extend-
ing >58 days, jittering up and down, with a deep limit 21
days before the maximum. There is no real chance that the
the light curve could have a significantly higher maximum
crammed into the 21-day interval. The t
value is certainly
long, while the extinction from Harrison et al. (2013) is good.
The identification of the quiescent counterpart is certain,
and this is confidently matched to the Gaia DR2 catalog
source. There is no plausible way to impeach the data, so
HZ Pup is a confident outlier to the MMRD.
V1016 Sgr: V1016 Sgr lies 1.8 mag below the MMRD.
The light curve is sketchy, but just enough information is
available to be confident that the basic parameters are rea-
sonably measured (Pickering 1910). The first positive de-
tection was on 10 August 1899 at 8.5 mag, whereas on the
previous night it was fainter than 11.5 mag, and the nova
faded from 8.6 mag on 25 August to 10.5 mag on 13 Octo-
ber. This is enough to give a maximum of close to 8.5 mag,
and t
=64 days. The subsequent slow fading can be inter-
polated to give t
=140 days.
onmez et al. (2018) gives
E(B V )=0.35±0.04, while Shafter (1997) closely agrees. The
Gaia parallax refers to a fourteenth magnitude star at the
correct position (Duerbeck 1987). The only weak link that
I can see is that I know of no spectroscopic or photometric
proof that the fourteenth magnitude star is the real quies-
cent counterpart, rather than some fainter star that was not
recognized by Gaia. While this scenario is possible, there is
no positive evidence against the common identification, so
any such attempt to impeach the Gaia distance can only be
wishful-thinking speculation, at least for now. So V1016 Sgr
appears to be a good outlier of the MMRD, but the final
proof of the identification is not known.
V721 Sco: V721 Sco is the farthest outlier of the
MMRD, being 6 mag below the fit from Downes & Durebeck.
The nova was discovered first by G. Haro on 3 September
1950 at 9.5 mag, faded fast to 11.7 mag on 8 September
(when F. Zwicky independently discovered the nova), and
continued fading to 13.0 mag on 12 September (Herzog &
Zwicky 1951). For pre-discovery images, the Palomar 48-
inch telescope showed no star to 18.0 mag on 16 August (18
days before the first discovery). Table 1 and Figure 6 have
adopted a peak of 8.0 mag, as evaluated by Shafter (1997).
The peak magnitude cannot be greatly brighter than the
discovery magnitude of 9.5, or else the eruption could not
fit into the 18 day interval. Further, after 12 September, the
rate of fading slowed substantially, so the transition is ap-
parently around that date, with the peak-to-transition am-
plitude being 4 mags, for a peak of near 9.0 mag. With this
new evaluation, the discrepancy with respect to the MMRD
only becomes worse, at 7 mag. There is no chance that the
peak was greatly brighter than Shafter’s 8.0 mag. And the
value is definitely short, much under 10 days. Harrison
et al. (2013) gives A
=1.1 mag, while Shafter (1997) gives
=2.4 mag, with it being impossible for the extinction to
be so large as to make any difference. Further, the Gaia cat-
alog entry is for the star in the corner of an ‘inverted L’ at
exactly the coordinates given by Duerbeck (1987) as based
on a Harvard A plate showing the star in eruption. So the
only way to try to impeach the input for V721 Sco is to
assume that the real quiescent counterpart is much fainter
than this star, and so close to its position as to be unrecog-
nized by Gaia. But making such an evidenceless speculation
is just circular (assuming that which is being sought). So
I conclude that V721 Sco is indeed a strong example of a
very-far outlier for the MMRD.
In all, with eight far outliers to the MMRD from our
Gold and Silver samples, none have been impeached with
enough confidence to change Figure 6. Indeed, six of these
eight novae are highly confident as being outliers. For the
other two novae (V1330 Cyg and AR Cir), the best evidence
is that they are outliers. In only one case (AR Cir), do we
have a possible reason to remove the outlier, and that is to
push past the amplitude limit for symbiotic nova eruptions,
declare that the eruption must have been a symbiotic nova
(as opposed to the system being a symbiotic star because
it has a red giant companion), and then presume that the
MMRD does not apply to symbiotic novae. What all this is
saying is that this section’s attempt to reconcile the different
results from the Gold and Silver samples (as simply being
measurement errors) has failed completely.
3.5.3 Possible Differences In Populations
Perhaps Figures 9a and 9b are different because the Gold
and Silver samples largely consist of novae from two sepa-
rate populations, with the MMRD applying to one of those
populations but not the other. Similarly, we can speculate
that the MMRD applies to the LMC novae of one popula-
tion, but that the MMRD does not apply to the M31 and
M87 novae of some different population.
My first idea was that the Gold and Silver samples
might be dominated by either populations in the bulge or
the disk, and perhaps the MMRD is applicable to only one of
these populations for some unknown reason. But this recon-
ciliation does not work because the Gold sample, the Silver
sample, and the outliers are nearly all from a disk popula-
tion. This is inevitable, as Gaia produces useable parallaxes
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 11
for the quiescent novae out to 3000 pc, and so they must
all be &5000 pc from the galactic center, so the disk popula-
tion must dominate. Further evidence for the dominance of
the disk population is that the mean value of cos(Θ) (with
Θ being the angle between the nova and the galactic cen-
ter) is 0.13, 0.17, and 0.26 for the Gold, Silver, and outlier
samples, respectively. And the three samples have appropri-
ate concentrations towards the galactic plane, as expected
for disk populations. The LMC novae of Shafter (2013) are
all of a young population, while the novae of Kasliwal et al.
(2011) are mostly far from the bulge in spiral galaxies. The
M87 novae of Shara et al. (2016; 2018) must all be of some-
thing like an older bulge population, as M87 is an elliptical
galaxy. The galactic RNe are evenly divided between thick
disk and bulge populations (Schaefer 2010). So we see that
the Gold and Silver samples are both of the same popula-
tion, and there is no consistent story as to whether a young
disk population will have the MMRD applicable.
Another set of divisions amongst the novae relates to
the light curve classes (SSH). These are ‘S’ for smooth light
curves, ‘J’ for light curves with large flares around the time
of peak, ‘D’ for novae showing significant dust dips soon af-
ter the maximum, ‘P’ for smooth light curves that have a
plateau around the transition phase, ‘O’ for novae showing
periodic oscillations around the transition phase, ‘C’ for no-
vae with a prominent rebrightening with a slow rise and fast
fall in a ‘cusp’ shape, and ‘F’ for smooth light curves that
have the maximum being a long-lasting flat top. We could
imagine that the MMRD might apply to only some of these
classes, and not apply to others. However, the eight out-
liers include classes P, S, F, and J; spanning from the more-
energetic to the less-energetic events. Further, the Gold, Sil-
ver, and Bronze samples have consistent distributions across
the classes, spanning many classes. So the difference between
the samples does not appear to be related to the light curve
From Figure 5, we see that the recurrent novae do not
follow the MMRD, while Pagnotta & Schaefer (2013) show
that a quarter of the ‘classical novae’ are really recurrent.
So maybe the real classical novae (i.e., with recurrence time
scale greater than a century) are the ones for which the
MMRD is applicable, while the true RNe (with the recur-
rence time scale faster than one century, whether observed
or unobserved) are the ones for which the MMRD is not
applicable. But this does not work, as the Gold sample has
2 RNe, 2 candidates, and 22 CNe, while the Silver sample
has no RNe, 4 candidates, and 6 novae that are certainly
CNe (Pagnotta & Schaefer 2014). And of the outliers, there
is only one RN, no candidates, and 5 certain CNe (Pag-
notta & Schaefer 2014). That is, the novae that fall along
the MMRD relation are both RNe and CNe, while the novae
far from the MMRD relation are a similar combination of
RNe and CNe. So the RN/CN division cannot reconcile the
Gold and Silver samples.
So this entire attempt to reconcile the Gold and Silver
samples has failed, as there is no apparent population differ-
ence between the samples, nor are the outliers significantly
of a separate population. This bodes bad, because we have
no means to distinguish a nova as to whether the MMRD is
applicable. For any nova without a Gaia parallax, we can-
not know whether the MMRD applies to give a bad distance
estimate, or whether it is inapplicable and giving a random
distance estimate.
3.5.4 Conclusions Concerning The MMRD
From the preferred Gold+Silver sample, we see a poor
MMRD with a large scatter, substantially offset from the
prior MMRD, and with 20% of the novae as far outliers.
The errors in the MMRD are up to 6 mags, while 7% of the
novae have >2.5 mag errors in the distance modulus. This is
unacceptable for all applications. The real scatter is so large
that the MMRD (if it exists at all) is useless for studies of
individual novae and even useless for statistical purposes.
From this, I conclude that the MMRD has completely failed
as a prior method to get nova distances.
I am purposely not giving any ‘best fit’ MMRD based
on the new Gaia distances. This is because then we might
have incautious workers being tempted to use any such new
We still have the question as to the very existence of
a relation between the rate of decline and the M
m ax
. The
problem is that two data sets (the Gold sample and the
LMC novae) show a significant yet poor relation, whilst five
data sets (the Silver sample, the galactic RNe, M31 novae,
M87 novae, and grids of theoretical light curves) show that
there is no such relation as an MMRD. After considering se-
lection effects, bandwagon effects, data errors, and various
population differences, I found that none could reconcile the
differences in the applicability of the MMRD. So this ques-
tion remains unresolved.
The MMRD has a huge scatter for novae for which it
apparently applies, and for most novae the MMRD does not
apply at all. We cannot distinguish which novae the relation
applies, so it is a bad bet to apply any MMRD to any indi-
vidual nova or statistically to any sample. So my advice is
that our community must relinquish prior distance estimates
based on the MMRD, and all the resulting conclusions. Fur-
ther, I advise that our community no longer use or publish
any distance estimates from the MMRD, even if it is the
only distance estimate available.
3.6 Testing the Constant-M
Buscombe & de Vaucouleurs (1955a; 1955b) pointed out that
novae have a nearly constant absolute magnitude at a time of
fifteen days after the peak of M
= 5.2 ± 0.1, with this ap-
plying to both Milky Way and LMC novae. van den Bergh &
Younger (1987) used six galactic novae (with distances from
expansion parallaxes) to find M
= 5.23 ± 0.39. Schemat-
ically, this can be see by over-plotting many V-band light
curves shifted right-left so all the peaks line up and shifted
up-down such that the magnitudes are all corrected to be ab-
solute magnitudes. Ideally, all the light curves then roughly
cross each other at a time of 15 days after the peak. The
cross-over is at M
= 5.23 ± 0.39, and can serve as a stan-
dard candle. This is essentially an alternative formulation
of the MMRD, as a fast nova with a small t
will have a
high-luminosity M
m ax
, while a slow nova with a large t
have a low-luminosity M
m ax
Shara et al. (2018) used ten weeks of daily HST imaging
of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 to get great light curves
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
12 B. E. Schaefer
of 41 novae so as to test the constancy of M
. (This is the
same data set used to refute the MMRD in M87 by Shara
et al. 2017.) They find a weak convergence of light curves
towards latter times. With the F606W filter (a bit redder
than the V band), they find an average M
of -6.37 mag,
with an RMS scatter of 0.46 mag, after they select out 16
novae with decline times t
>10 days. With the F814W filter
(between the R and I bands), they find an average M
of -
6.11 mag, with an RMS scatter of 0.43 mag, from 17 not-fast
I have tested the distances derived by the constant-M
method. For 34 novae in the Gold+Silver sample, I calcu-
late that σ
=1.53 mag (showing poor accuracy), σ
(showing that the prior method underestimates the real er-
ror bars by 2.26×), and hµi=0.04 mag (showing no bias). As
a variation on the MMRD, this method returns just as poor
a distance, with huge scatter. In particular, for the Gold and
Silver samples, the total range of the absolute magnitude at
a time fifteen days after peak is from +1.6 mag (for V721
Sco) to -7.4 mag (for V732 Sco).
I have further tested the selection for not-fast novae
with t
>10 days. For 23 novae in the Silver and Gold sam-
ples, σ
=1.08 mag, σ
=2.21, and h µi=-0.28. This selec-
tion of non-fast novae is a bit of an improvement. But the
accuracy is still poor, and the error bars are a factor of 2.21×
too small. The total range of M
is from -2.8 mag (for HZ
Pup) to -7.4 mag (for V732 Sco), with this huge range mean-
ing that the method is useless.
3.7 Testing the Constant-M
m ax
So far, other than the parallaxes, all the prior nova-distance
methods have been poor. And the previously-canonical
methods (HST parallax and the expansion parallax) could
be applied to few novae. For the MMRD methods (including
the constant-M
method), detailed light curve information
is required, and such is not available for the majority of the
novae. Often enough, the only useful information is the peak
magnitude, so it would be nice if only that were required to
get a distance. So we could consider a nova-distance method
where we only assume that the peak absolute magnitude is
some constant, then calculate the distance modulus and the
distance. Crudely, novae come to the near the same luminos-
ity, so this ‘method’ should not be horrible. Still, I have never
seen this method published anywhere, likely because the ex-
istence of the claimed MMRD relation makes this method
seem naive. But now, we see that the MMRD often ap-
parently does not exist, so this constant-M
m ax
method is
the only estimate that can be used for all the faint poorly-
observed events. This method does have poor utility, pro-
vided that appropriately large error bars are acknowledged.
Another use of this constant-M
m ax
method for this pa-
per is that it serves as some sort of a null hypothesis to com-
pare the other nova-distance methods. That is, we can see
that any methods that approach the accuracy of this naive
simplistic method are not worthy of use. A better statement
of this is that the use of extra fit parameters (like t
) are not
justified by any significant improvement in the fit.
With this, I will take a round number value of M
m ax
mag as the basis for this naive method. For this, I will take
the 1-sigma uncertainty in M
m ax
to be 1.4 mag, selected so
that the error bars reflect reality of the Gaia distances. I
can then calculate the various quality measures for 37 novae
in the Gold+Silver sample. I calculate that σ
=1.61 mag
(showing poor accuracy), σ
=1.00 (the value is unity by
construction), and hµi=0.00 mag (so my round number
shows no bias). For the Gold and Silver samples, the total
range (see Figure 6 and 9) is from -3.5 mag (for AR Cir) to
-9.5 mag (for CP Pup). This total range and RMS scatter is
poor, so the M
m ax
=-7 mag method will produce errors too
large to be useable for most purposes.
A comparison of the σ
values for the best MMRD
and the constant-M
m ax
methods is 1.31 mag versus 1.61
mag, with the difference being comparable to the uncertain-
ties. Still, the prior MMRD distances are greatly worse than
the naive method, because the σ
value only measures the
scatter around some best fit line, whereas the MMRD has
a systematic offset of 0.73 mag, so the actual errors in the
MMRD distances from the prior best MMRD relation will
be greatly larger. So the best MMRD is worse than the naive
empirical description that the peak luminosity is a round-
number constant. This is saying that the peak absolute mag-
nitude has no significant variation with t
, which is to say
that the MMRD is false.
In the final section, I will be concluding that the
m ax
=-7 mag method is the last resort for those faint
novae with no Gaia parallax and no distance from inter-
stellar extinction. That is, nova-distances are sometimes
needed for the faint novae, and no better information may
be available than by somehow using the observed V
m ax
. The
m ax
method is comparable to the MMRD, yet the
m ax
method does not have the aura of sophistica-
tion, physics, or accuracy that is wrongly carried along with
the MMRD. That is, when some researcher uses the MMRD,
readers might expect that they get something better in accu-
racy and reliability than they actually get. Whereas, a simple
use of the constant-M
m ax
method will not fool anyone into
thinking that we have anything better than an empirical de-
scription of a range, with no physics and only poor accuracy.
Critical to the use of the M
m ax
=-7 mag method is that a
realistic error bar be attached. The 1-sigma on M
m ax
is 1.4
mag and the total range is from -3.5 to -9.5 mag. The error
bar must go along with any such derived distance, as without
an explicit statement, a reader might go away thinking that
the derived distance is more accurate than it really is. So
the M
m ax
=-7.0±1.4 mag method is poor, but for many faint
novae, it is the only useful means to get a reliable distance.
3.8 Testing Combined Distances
Many papers discussing individual novae consider and com-
bine distances from a variety of sources and methods, coming
to some sort of a middle value. This has the advantage that
multiple measures should improve the accuracy, and that
poor results get moderated.
To illustrate and test these combined measures, I will
here report on my published combined distances for novae
that Gaia DR2 provides useful distances. (1) For V1017 Sgr,
Salazar et al. (2017) reported six estimates, for which only
the blackbody-distance to the secondary star measure had
any reliability, to conclude that the distance is 1240±200
pc. This is to be compared favorably with the Gaia dis-
tance of 1269
pc. (2) For BT Mon, a combination of the
MMRD and extinction measures led to a final adopted dis-
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 13
tance of 1500 pc (Schaefer & Patterson 1983). Now, the Gaia
distance is very close, at 1477
pc. (3) For T Pyx, I re-
viewed (Schaefer 2010) prior results from many methods and
agreed with Patterson that the distance is 3500±1000 pc.
Three years later, Schaefer et al. (2013) noted that the liter-
ature reports claimed distances ranging uniformly from 1000
pc to 4500 pc, while a critical reanalysis concluded that
the distance was anywhere from 1000 pc to 10,000 pc. As a
note added after the original submission, we agreed that the
Sokoloski et al. (2013) measure of the light sweeping through
the light echo gave a reliable distance of 4800±500 pc. Into
this rich history of many workers with many measures, Gaia
now gives the real distance to T Pyx to be 3185
pc. So
the middle ground proves to be correct, while the unique
light-echo-distance is just over 2-sigma off. (4) For IM Nor,
Schaefer (2010) gave 3400
pc, as based on extinction
and the MMRD, with the quoted error bars being huge. For
Gaia, IM Nor is in the Bronze sample, for a distance of
pc. With both measures having large error bars,
the good overlap is not meaningful. For calculating σµ, this
one distance measure dominates because my quoted value is
nearly a factor of three off, despite being well within the
quoted error bars. (5) For CI Aql, Schaefer (2010) decided
to not use model-dependent theory measures, which gave
distances around 1500 pc, but instead chose to give the av-
erage from three versions of the MMRD, 5000
pc. Gaia
gives 3189
pc. We see consistency, although the error
bars are large, while the model-based distances are poor.
For these five novae, I get σ
= 0.93 mag, σ
= 0.86, and
hµi = 0.82. The majority of the bias and scatter in µ
just come from IM Nor, for which I quoted a huge error bar.
These value measures show that my combined estimates still
have substantial error (comparable to that for the expansion
parallaxes), a substantial bias (mostly from the one IM Nor
distance estimate that had an admitted large uncertainty),
and reasonable error bars.
H. Duerbeck provided distances for 35 novae as “based
on nebular expansion parallaxes, interstellar line strengths,
differential galactic rotation, and several other methods”
(Duerbeck 1981). Duerbeck was one of the most experienced
and broad workers on novae, and I have long trusted his
judgments. His set of combined distances includes 17 novae
in the Gold and Silver samples, all of which are in the Gold
sample. He quotes error bars for only 8 of these novae. I
calculate that σ
= 1.05 mag, σ
= 4.38, and h µi = 0.43.
This shows substantial real errors (comparable to that for
the expansion parallaxes), a moderate bias (towards under-
estimating the distances), and error bars that are greatly
too small (by a factor of 4.38×).
J. Patterson put together a very influential and compre-
hensive paper that collected and evaluated many nova dis-
tances from many methods (Patterson 1984). Patterson had
the good judgement and the very broad knowledge to put
together consensus distances for many cataclysmic variables
with up to nine distance clues. He gave distances for nine
classical novae that are represented in the Gaia Gold+Silver
sample. Just looking at the ratios of Patterson’s distances to
the Gaia distances, I find the RMS scatter of the differences
in distance moduli (µ) to be 0.42 mag, and a near-zero av-
erage. Patterson does not (and could not) quote formal error
bars. For calculating the χ values, I have made the assump-
tion that Patterson’s error bars are all a constant fraction of
his quoted distance. If Patterson is assumed to have a 16%
error on his quoted distances, then χ has an RMS of unity,
while the average is 0.02. So Patterson has a 1-sigma error
of 16% (0.42 mag in the distance modulus) and has no bias
long-or-short. So with σ
= 0.42 mag and no bias, Patter-
son has managed to do roughly as good as HST, long before
its launch.
Patterson et al. (2013) provides a list of CV distances
as based on multiple methods. This includes 11 dwarf novae
(of the ER UMa subclass) and four classical novae, of which
13 are found with reliable parallax measures in the Gaia
DR2 catalog. I calculate that σ
= 0.44 mag and hµi =
+0.17. No individual error bars are quoted on Patterson’s
distances, although he suggests that “errors are probably 25-
35%”. With my formulation that all the errors are a constant
fraction of the Gaia distances, I find that σ
= 1 for C =
17%. This is the only case where the real error bars are
substantially better than quoted in print. Patterson again has
the accuracy of the HST parallaxes, all with no significant
3.9 Testing Distances Estimated With Theoretical
It is possible to develop a theoretical model specific for an
individual nova system so as to calculate some sort of a lumi-
nosity, which when compared to the observed brightness will
give a distance modulus. Such model distances are occasion-
ally given, and often further quantities are calculated from
the distance, sometimes as a test of the model. Such dis-
tances really should not be used for most purposes, because
we do not want applications built on ever-shifting theory.
Theory-model-distances have a poor history. Here, I will
detail the cases for novae that I happen to have worked on,
mostly reported in Schaefer (2010): (1) Already in Section
3.8, I have told about the theoretical models for CI Aql that
give distances around 1500 pc, while the Gaia distance is
pc, for over a factor of two error. (2) Occasion-
ally, workers have claimed that novae cannot exceed the Ed-
dington limit, place the peak luminosity near the Eddington
limit, and get a distance from that. The Eddington limit cor-
responds to an absolute magnitude of roughly -7.0 (Selvelli
et al. 2008) or -6.75 (Duerbeck 1981). But Kasliwal et al.
(2011) found that 80% of the novae in M31 violate the Ed-
dington limit by 2× to 16×. Further, from the Gold+Silver
novae with well-observed peaks, 9 systems peak more lumi-
nous than -8.0 mag, so super-Eddington peak flux is com-
mon. So we now know that a substantial fraction of ordinary
novae do exceed the limit (after all, they are explosively ex-
panding), so these old theory-distances are wrong by a large
factor. (3) For U Sco, the model-based distances have a wide
and time-variable range, even for one group of theorists. We
read distances of 3300–8600 pc (Kato 1990), 4100–6100 pc
(Hachisu et al. 2000a), 6000–8000 pc (Hachisu et al. 2000b),
and 6700±670 pc (Hachisu & Kato 2017). This situation is
made worse because Gaia DR2 has a negative parallax for
U Sco and a 1-sigma lower limit on its distance of 14,300
pc. So this set of model-distances from one group covers a
wide range, variable over time, and more than a factor of
two in error. (4) For RS Oph, the original Hjellming mis-
take (claiming 1600 pc from their data) has been endlessly
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
14 B. E. Schaefer
repeated, forcing modelers to have the mass transfer be by
a stellar wind, and then these models were used to con-
firm the Hjellming mistake (Barry et al. 2006). (5) Theory
has provided models to explain the MMRD, and hence sup-
ports these distances. But the MMRD has completely failed,
demonstrating that the theoretical support was dubious. (6)
For V394 CrA, Hachisu & Kato (2000) get a model distance,
but they used E(B V)0.0 during the eruption and at the
same time used E(B V)=1.10 during quiescence, with no
reasonable physical mechanism to explain such a huge dif-
ference. Such large and critical internal inconsistencies leave
a poor impression for model-distances.
As a representative test of model-distances, I can take
a series of papers by I. Hachisu and M. Kato (Hachisu &
Kato 2016a, 2016b, 2018). They have created a ‘generalized
color-magnitude diagram for nova outbursts’ where the light
curves follow a ‘universal decline law’ with free-free emission
dominating the spectrum. They calculate luminosities from
their model and then derive the distances. They report such
distances for 26 novae from Table 1 (16 in the Gold sam-
ple and 10 in the Bronze sample). The 1-sigma error bars
variously are 10% or 20%, depending on the light curve. I
calculate that σ
is 0.76 mag, although the inclusion of the
Bronze sample returns a value of 1.66 (with several far out-
liers). The σ
value is 1.66, pointing out that their claimed
error bars should be 1.66× larger on average. The hµi value
is 0.16 mag, pointing to a nearly unbiased case. Given the
substantial variations in the light curves past what their
model can address, I judge their moderate σ
value and
their unbiased hµi to represent a success for their model
as making largely-reasonable predictions for the Gaia dis-
3.10 Collecting Quality Measures for Prior
My calculated values for the three quality parameters for
various sets of novae and for all the prior nova-distance
methods are collected into Table 4. For most of the lines,
the quality parameters are σ
, σ
, and, hµi. But for the
first two lines involving parallaxes, the quality value is σ
instead of the closely similar σ
The number of nova in each set is N
. With only
one nova, σ
and σ
are undefined, with the single µ
recorded in the hµi column and the single χ value reported
in the σ
column. When N
. 5, the statistics are usually
dominated by the largest outlier.
The σ
value is telling us the RMS scatter of the errors
of the prior method’s derived distance modulus, and this is
the primary measure of the quality of the prior method.
Ideally, we want this value to be small. The range for σ
is set by the Gaia parallaxes at 0.24, all the way up to the
value for the naive null-hypothesis method (M
m ax
=-7) with
The σ
value is really telling us about the reliability
of the size of the quoted error bars for the prior method.
If the value is around unity, then the reported error bars
are reliable in their size. The σ
value directly tells us the
factor by which the published error bars need to be increased
to be reliable. So for example, on the first line of Table 4,
the HST parallaxes have σ
=3.03, which implies that the
average published error bars are nearly 3× too small.
The hµi value is a measure of the bias (high-or-low)
in the distance modulus from the prior published values.
Ideally, the value should be near zero, but any value within
something like a quarter of a magnitude of zero implies no
substantial bias to within measurement accuracy. For cases
with low N
, for example for the nova light echo method,
the large values are just random jitter and likely do not point
to a real overall bias in the method.
Now, we can compare and contrast all the nova-distance
Pre-Gaia geometric parallax remains the best of all
the prior methods. That is, the prior parallaxes have small
and no bias. The ground-based based parallaxes of
Thorstensen have accurate error bars, but the HST paral-
laxes have reported error bars that are on average 3× too
small. Unfortunately, only four novae have any prior paral-
laxes, and these are now superseded by the new Gaia par-
allaxes. Further, there will be no more nova parallaxes from
the ground or from HST because all the nearby novae are
done, and there is no way to compete with Gaia.
The expansion parallax method has long been the
canonical nova-distance method, but this reputation is not
deserved. The prior distances are consistently reporting er-
ror bars that are a factor of 3.6× too small on average. The
better workers in the field know of these problems, and they
point to an handful of sources of errors, each of which is
roughly 2× uncertainty. But the end users of the expansion
parallaxes are taking the published error bars at face value,
ignoring the reality of the large systematic errors. Neverthe-
less, the real indictment of the expansion parallax method
is that σ
is close to 1.0 mag. The fractional error in the
distance will be σ
/D = 10
, or the average 1-sigma er-
ror in distance will be from a factor of 1.6× too small to a
factor of 1.6× too large. This means that the luminosity and
energetics will have a 1-sigma range from 2.5× too small to
2.5× too large. For many purposes, such a large uncertainty
is not useful. Further, expansion parallax distances are only
known for moderately near novae, and the distances for these
are now better known from Gaia, so these are superseded by
the new results. Historically, another primary purpose of the
expansion parallax has been statistical in calibrating other
nova-distance methods, but this application is now past, as
Gaia distances have supplanted it for calibration. For the
future, the expansion parallax method will only have utility
(with an acknowledged realistic error bar) for recent novae
for which the quiescent counterpart is too faint for Gaia.
This is a rather small area of poor utility for only a few in-
dividual novae. So I am seeing the whole expansion parallax
method as now only one of historical interest, for which the
real accuracy is greatly worse (by 3.6×) than advertised in
the old literature.
The blackbody-distance-to-the-secondary-star method
proved quite accurate in the one case that can be tested
with DR2. This is promising for this physics-based method.
This method is also promising because the published error
bars for six novae have σ
/D between 16% and 23%. But
the real test of this prior method can only come in the near
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 15
future when Gaia produces positional fits that includes the
orbital motions. The primary limitation of this method is
that it can only be applied to novae with orbital period of
longer than a day or so, and this is just a half-dozen sys-
tems, mostly recurrent novae. In the future, there can be
few additional applications, so this method has little further
The interstellar-extinction distances were widely known
to be horrible due to the very large scatter of extinction
measures as a function of distance over nearby lines of sight.
Nevertheless, the literature is full of such estimates, largely
because researchers were desperate for even an order-of-
magnitude distance. Into this situation,
onmez et al.
(2016; 2018) have found a way to improve the measure of ex-
tinction as a function of distance along the nova’s sightline,
and they have produced a systematic catalog of distances
to most novae. Their distances are unbiased, but their error
bars are on average too small by a factor of 2.45×. Critically,
their novae distance have σ
=1.14 mag. This is poor, yet it
is nearly the same accuracy as the much vaunted expansion
parallax. Still, this method has nice utility for the future,
because it it the best method for all the many novae too far
away for Gaia to get better than a limit on the distance.
Indeed, this seems to be the only reliable method for the
many novae too faint or too far for Gaia.
The MMRD is the worst of all the prior methods. The
Gaia distances prove that the prior MMRD distances are
greatly biased (hµi=0.73) and hugely scattered (σ
mag). This real one-sigma error bar for the prior published
distances, with their large systematic offset from the prior
MMRD actually makes the prior published errors bigger
than what we have for the naive M
m ax
=-7 method. And
the M
= 5.23 version of the MMRD is only worse. And
the MMRD does not apply at all to most novae samples. So
our community should forego any use of the MMRD.
The naive M
m ax
=-7.0±1.4 method has the striking ad-
vantage that it can be applied to most of the faint and dis-
tant novae, where better methods cannot be applied. An-
other striking advantage is that this method is easy, and the
input (V
m ax
and E(B V) to moderate accuracy) is readily
known for many faint novae. Another striking advantage is
that this method does not carry the aura of false-accuracy,
physics-input, or wrong-sophistication, such as might be at-
tached to the MMRD relations, so no one is fooled. The
striking disadvantage is that the error bars are large, so large
that the resultant distances may be too poor in accuracy for
many applications.
Many papers on individual systems try to combine in-
formation from many methods, with this presumably being
an improvement on any one method. It is like crowd sourcing
of many poor values making for a better result. The results
from papers by H. Duerbeck and myself still have substantial
real errors, comparable to that of the expansion parallaxes.
However, distances of Patterson (1984; 2013) are unbiased,
have only 16% real error bars, and σ
=0.42 mag. So Patter-
son was able to use his good judgement plus many methods
to get distances as good as the HST parallaxes. Unfortu-
nately, it will be difficult to transfer Patterson’s knowledge
and skill to other workers.
Theoretical modeling of measured system properties to
get a distance is bad for many reasons. First, for many ap-
plications, the use of theory will just be circular reasoning.
Second, we do not want observational conclusions based on
any theory, as such is too ‘flexible’, and later building would
then be on an ever-changing basis, with the origin soon lost.
Third, the method has a long history of making large errors.
Estimating distances from theoretical models is a method
that should not be used.
Nova distances are needed for a variety of applications, so
what have we learned from Gaia as a guide to future prac-
tices? Well, the easy and obvious recommendation is to sim-
ply use the latest Gaia distances. (This is only for systems
with confident quiescent counterparts that have certain it
Gaia detections, and only when σ
/$ < 30%, all using the
EDSD Bayesian prior.) But this works for only perhaps the
nearest 20% of systems. So I should make recommendations
on how to proceed for the many nova with no useable Gaia
The recommendations and predictions for the future de-
pend on the needed task. For calibrating various relations,
there are enough good-quality Gaia distances and luminosi-
ties (i.e., the Gold+Silver sample) so as to supersede all
other sources of distances. For nova statistics defining the
astrophysics of the systems, the obvious path is to start with
the Gold+Silver sample, and if more novae are needed, then
to use the catalog of
onmez et al. (2018). Nova have
in the past been of high importance for getting the galac-
tic distance scales and the Hubble constant, but now, even
with the Gaia results, novae are no longer competitive in
this era of ‘precision cosmology’. Nova distances are still vi-
tal for modelers of individual nova systems, with the best
path depending on the details.
For individual novae, the most tempting path for sec-
ondary researchers is to simply troll through the literature
and reach some conclusion for follow through. For the fainter
and more-distant novae with no Gaia distances, the only
available method with any merit is the interstellar-extinction
onmez et al. (2018). When applying these catalog re-
sults, I would recommend increasing the quoted error bar by
a factor of 2.45×. For further advances on this catalog, values
of E(B V) must be collected and decided upon, with novae
usually have various measures of wide dispersion. Presum-
ably, the researcher will avoid the trap of somehow selecting
out one preferred value (for example, their own measured
value), but will instead combine all measures in some appro-
priate manner, hoping to emulate Patterson. I would advise
and insist that realistic error bars, including statistical er-
rors, be used in the weighted averages. Now we know from
Gaia that most prior published error bars are greatly too
small, and the naive use of incorrect error bars can only
lead to poor science.
A trap for researchers is to include MMRD distances
in their evaluations for individual novae. This bad tempta-
tion might be based on the bad-science that they should use
the prior MMRD distances because the values are published
and hence are sacrosanct. The MMRD-temptation also can
arise if there is no other useful distance information. Now,
we know that the MMRD has uselessly-huge real error bar.
Now we know that the MMRD applies only to some small
fraction of all novae, and we have no way of knowing if any
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
16 B. E. Schaefer
individual nova is in that small fraction, so it would be past
reckless to use this method. So I strongly recommend that
MMRD distance from the prior literature (e.g., Table 27
of Schaefer 2010) be excised and corrected, and never used
again. Further, I strongly recommend that future workers
should never put forth any MMRD distance.
This still leaves unanswered what a researcher should do
if the nova does not have a distance in the catalogs of Gaia
onmez et al. (2018). A glib answer is that such novae
should not be used for any purpose needing a distance. Nev-
ertheless, many researchers will be tempted to somehow use
some additional information and get some crude distance.
The galactic coordinates can put some likely very-loose con-
straints, while assuming M
m ax
=-7 mag is reasonable pro-
vided the large uncertainty is explicitly included. But there
is no other method of any useable confidence that can be
applied to the faint galactic novae.
So let me give a cookbook for recommended procedures
to get the best distances for galactic novae: (1) If a confident
quiescent counterpart can be certainly identified in the Gaia
database, and there is a quoted parallax with σ
/$ <30%,
then use the distance calculated from the parallax with the
EDSD Bayesian prior. (2) If no reliable Gaia parallax is
available, then look in the catalog of
onmez et al. (2018).
Do not forget to multiply the quoted error bars by 2.45×.
For new novae or for trying to improve cataloged distances,
it is fair to measure the E(B V), hopefully with multiple
methods, and then construct a judicious weighted average,
with realistic error bars, for insertion into the red-clump-
stars method for getting extinction as a function of distance.
(3) If no useable distance is found, then take the easy and
empirical method that M
m ax
= 7.0±1.4 mag. For this path,
you must explicitly highlight the real error bars. That is,
the 1-sigma error bar is 1.4 mag, while the total range, from
Table 1 for the Gold+Silver sample, is from -3.5 to -9.5 mag.
(4) If there is not enough light curve information to get V
m ax
then there is nothing more that can be done of any useable
merit, and the nova should not be used for any purpose
where a distance is needed.
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MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
18 B. E. Schaefer
Table 1. Gaia novae, parallaxes, distances, magnitudes, extinctions, and absolute magnitudes
Nova Sample Type Year LC $
G a i a
(mas) D
G a i a
(pc) V
ma x
ma x
CI Aql Gold RN 2000 P 0.327 ± 0.050 3189
9.0 10.2 16.1 2.6 25 32 -6.2 0.9
V603 Aql Gold CN 1918 O 3.191 ± 0.069 314
-0.5 2.6 10.9 0.2 5 12 -8.2 3.2
V1494 Aql Gold CN 1999 O 0.839 ± 0.141 1239
4.1 7.0 17.1 1.9 8 16 -8.2 4.8
T Aur Gold CN 1891 D 1.141 ± 0.051 880
4.5 4.9 14.9 1.3 80 84 -6.5 3.9
V705 Cas Gold CN 1993 D 0.480 ± 0.087 2157
5.7 6.6 16.4 1.3 33 67 -7.2 3.5
V842 Cen Gold CN 1986 D 0.731 ± 0.050 1379
4.9 5.6 15.8 1.7 43 48 -7.5 3.4
V476 Cyg Gold CN 1920 D 1.524 ± 0.168 665
1.9 4.8 16.2 0.7 6 16 -7.9 6.4
V1330 Cyg Gold CN 1970 S 0.351 ± 0.102 2883
9.9 10.1 17.5 2.1 161 217 -4.5 3.1
V1974 Cyg Gold CN (Hi-m) 1992 P 0.617 ± 0.069 1631
4.3 5.9 >21 0.8 19 43 -7.6 >9.1
HR Del Gold CN 1967 J 1.045 ± 0.035 958
3.6 3.8 12.1 0.5 167 231 -6.8 1.7
DN Gem Gold CN 1912 P 0.729 ± 0.081 1365
3.6 5.5 15.6 0.5 16 35 -7.6 4.4
DQ Her Gold CN 1934 D 1.997 ± 0.024 501
1.6 2.0 14.3 0.2 76 100 -7.1 5.6
V446 Her Gold CN&DN 1960 S 0.744 ± 0.072 1361
4.8 6.3 16.1 1.1 20 42 -7.0 4.3
V533 Her Gold CN 1963 S 0.830 ± 0.032 1202
3.0 4.0 15.0 0.1 30 43 -7.5 4.5
CP Lac Gold CN 1936 S 0.859 ± 0.042 1170
2.0 5.3 15.0 0.8 5 9 -9.2 3.8
DK Lac Gold CN 1950 J 0.403 ± 0.070 2517
5.9 6.4 13.8 0.7 55 202 -6.8 1.1
BT Mon Gold CN 1939 F 0.682 ± 0.047 1477
8.1 8.4 15.7 0.7 118 182 -3.5 4.1
GK Per Gold CN&DN 1901 O 2.263 ± 0.043 442
0.2 3.2 13.0 1.1 6 13 -9.1 3.7
RR Pic Gold CN 1925 J 1.955 ± 0.030 511
1.0 1.4 12.2 0.0 73 122 -7.5 3.7
CP Pup Gold CN (Hi-m) 1942 P 1.230 ± 0.021 814
0.7 3.9 >18.0 0.6 4 8 -9.5 >7.8
T Pyx Gold RN (Hi-m) 2011 P 0.305 ± 0.042 3185
6.4 7.3 18.5 0.8 32 62 -6.9 5.2
V732 Sgr Gold CN 1936 D 0.578 ± 0.082 1795
6.4 6.9 16.0 2.5 65 75 -7.4 2.2
FH Ser Gold CN 1970 D 0.951 ± 0.077 1060
4.5 5.1 16.8 1.9 49 62 -7.5 4.8
V382 Vel Gold CN 1999 S 0.560 ± 0.055 1800
2.8 5.8 16.6 0.4 6 13 -8.8 5.0
NQ Vul Gold CN 1976 D 0.946 ± 0.100 1080
6.2 7.6 17.2 2.9 21 50 -6.8 4.2
PW Vul Gold CN 1984 J 0.426 ± 0.100 2420
6.4 7.1 16.9 1.8 44 116 -7.3 3.2
V368 Aql Silver CN 1936 S 0.371 ± 0.052 2722
5.0 7.7 16.6 0.8 5 17 -8.0 3.6
Z Cam Silver CN&DN 77 ... 4.437 ± 0.040 225
0±3 ... 13.6 0.1 ... ... -6.8 6.8
AT Cnc Silver CN&DN 1645 ... 2.201 ± 0.047 454
0±3 ... 13.9 0.0 ... ... -8.3 5.6
BC Cas Silver CN 1929 ... 0.490 ± 0.071 2114
10.7 ... 17.0 3.7 ... 90 -4.6 1.7
AR Cir Silver CN (Symb?) 1906 ... 0.578 ± 0.120 1886
10.3 ... 18.3 2.4 ... 330 -3.5 4.5
Q Cyg Silver CN 1876 ... 0.729 ± 0.024 1372
3.0 ... 15.0 1.4 ... 11 -9.1 2.9
KT Eri Silver CN 2009 P 0.204 ± 0.038 3744
5.4 8.4 15.0 0.2 7 14 -7.7 1.9
HR Lyr Silver CN 1919 S 0.182 ± 0.034 4797
6.5 7.5 15.5 0.4 47 97 -7.3 1.7
V841 Oph Silver CN 1848 J 1.215 ± 0.027 823
4.3 4.9 13.4 1.2 50 145 -6.5 2.6
V392 Per Silver CN&DN 2018 P 0.257 ± 0.052 4161
5.6 10.2 17.4 1.6 2 4 -9.0 2.8
HZ Pup Silver CN 1963 J 0.408 ± 0.067 2560
7.7 9.3 16.9 0.0 60 70 -4.3 4.9
V1017 Sgr Silver CN&DN 1919 S 0.789 ± 0.044 1269
4.5±2.0 ... 13.5 1.2 ... 130 -7.2 1.8
V1016 Sgr Silver CN 1899 ... 0.377 ± 0.032 2664
8.5 8.6 14.0 1.1 64 140 -4.7 0.8
V721 Sco Silver CN 1950 ... 0.641 ± 0.051 1574
8.0 13.5 16.0 1.1 ... 6 -4.1 3.9
CT Ser Silver CN 1948 J 0.230 ± 0.063 2774
5 ... 16.6 0.7 ... 100 -7.9 3.7
OS And Bronze CN 1986 D 0.138 ± 0.138 3298
6.5 8.8 17.5 0.3 11 23 -6.4 4.6
V356 Aql Bronze CN 1936 J 0.476 ± 0.209 2427
7.0 7.2 18.3 2.0 127 140 -6.9 4.4
V1229 Aql Bronze CN 1970 P 0.650 ± 0.665 2786
6.6 8.3 18.1 1.6 18 32 -7.2 4.3
V1370 Aql Bronze CN 1982 D 0.339 ± 0.189 2928
7.7 9.7 18.0 1.1 15 28 -5.7 4.6
QZ Aur Bronze CN 1964 S 0.349 ± 0.108 3200
5 ... 17.0 1.7 ... 26 -9.2 2.7
V723 Cas Bronze CN (Hi-m) 1995 J 0.131 ± 0.047 5628
7.1 7.2 18.8 1.4 263 299 -8.0 3.6
V868 Cen Bronze CN 1991 J 1.145 ± 0.881 14800
8.7 9.7 19.9 5.3 31 82 -12.5 -1.3
V888 Cen Bronze CN 1995 O 0.341 ± 0.117 3376
8.0 8.8 15.2 1.1 38 90 -5.7 1.5
BY Cir Bronze CN 1995 P 0.302 ± 0.170 3804
7.4 8.3 17.9 0.4 35 124 -5.9 4.6
V2275 Cyg Bronze CN 2001 S 0.217 ± 0.213 10800
6.9 10.2 18.4 3.1 3 8 -11.4 0.1
V2491 Cyg Bronze CN 2008 C 0.043 ± 0.114 6517
7.5 10.4 20.0 0.7 4 16 -7.3 5.2
V339 Del Bronze CN 2013 P 0.381 ± 0.361 2130
4.5 6.8 17.5 0.6 12 22 -7.7 5.3
V838 Her Bronze CN (RN?) 1991 P 0.464 ± 0.711 2530
5.3 12.0 19.1 1.6 1 4 -8.3 5.5
GQ Mus Bronze CN (Hi-m) 1983 P 0.470 ± 0.219 2480
7.2 8.8 21 1.395 35 45 -6.2 7.6
IM Nor Bronze RN 2002 P 0.995 ± 0.415 1205
8.5 9.1 18.3 2.5 50 80 -4.4 5.4
V849 Oph Bronze CN 1919 F 0.153 ± 0.200 2643
7.6 7.8 18.8 0.2 140 270 -4.7 6.5
V2487 Oph Bronze RN 1998 P 0.113 ± 0.099 4669
9.5 13.0 17.7 1.6 6 8 -5.4 2.8
V351 Pup Bronze CN 1991 P 0.086 ± 0.511 15900
6.4 8.8 19.6 2.2 9 26 -11.8 1.4
U Sco Bronze RN 2010 P -0.352 ± 0.215 19600
7.5 15.0 17.6 0.6 1 3 -9.6 0.5
V992 Sco Bronze CN 1992 D 0.397 ± 0.150 3030
7.7 8.0 17.2 4.0 100 120 -8.7 0.8
RW UMi Bronze CN (Hi-m) 1956 ... 0.472 ± 0.193 1510
6 ... >21 0.09 ... 140 -5.0 >10.0
QU Vul Bronze CN 1984 P 0.739 ± 0.366 1786
5.3 6.8 17.9 1.7 20 36 -7.7 4.9
QV Vul Bronze CN 1987 D 0.125 ± 0.213 3619
7.1 7.9 18.0 1.2 37 47 -6.9 4.0
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 19
0" 5" 10" 15" 20" 25"
Figure 1. Prior parallaxes for novae and cataclysmic variables (CVs). This plot shows the prior parallaxes and the Gaia parallaxes
for four novae (blue diamonds), SS Cyg (red circles), and nearby cataclysmic variables (×s). The diagonal line is to guide the eye for
G a i a
= $
pr i or
. The nova and SS Cyg measures have the prior parallaxes with the HST FGS, and these show real errors that are 3×
larger than their quoted error bars. Despite these problems, the HST parallaxes for just four novae are by far the best distances prior
to Gaia. The ground-based parallaxes from Thorstensen and coworkers for many CVs were made with a 2.4-m telescope, with their
parallaxes having comparable accuracy (i.e., σ
) with realistic error bars.
0" 500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 3000" 3500" 4000"
Figure 2. Expansion parallaxes for novae. Prior expansion parallax distances have been published for 22 novae that appear in my Gold
and Silver samples, often with many published widely-varied distances for each nova. As a test of the prior expansion parallaxes, this
plot shows the distances versus the Gaia ground-truth. We see a horrifyingly large scatter. But for the last many decades, expansion
parallaxes were considered as the canonical method.
Table 2. HST FGS parallaxes to four classical novae
Nova $
(mas) $
G a i a
V603 Aql 4.011 ± 0.137 3.191 ± 0.069
DQ Her 2.594 ± 0.207 1.997 ± 0.024
GK Per 2.097 ± 0.116 2.263 ± 0.043
RR Pic 1.920 ± 0.182 1.955 ± 0.030
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
20 B. E. Schaefer
0" 500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 3000" 3500" 4000"
Figure 3. Testing nova distances based on extinction. The prior nova distances from
onmez et al. (2018) are based on many
independent measures of E(B V ) for each nova, with the extinction as a function of distance along each sightline calibrated with red
clump stars. This exhaustive and consistent work has improved on the earlier hodge-podge of estimates because they are looking closely
at the nova’s line of sight, they used consensus extinction values, and their distances are uniformly evaluated for most novae. This plot
shows a large scatter, but that the extinction-distances are not biased.
1# 10# 100# 1,000#
1# 10# 100# 1,000#
Figure 4. The prior MMRD relation. Here, I have plotted the maximum magnitude versus rate of decline relation as given in the
exhaustive Downes & Duerbeck (2000). The maximum magnitude is expressed as the absolute magnitude at peak in the V band, M
ma x
The rate of decline is quantified by the number of days it takes the nova light curve to decline from peak to 2.0 mag below peak (t
) or
to 3.0 mag below peak (t
). The left panel plots the observed values for t
versus M
ma x
as blue diamonds from Table 5 of Downes &
Durebeck, along with their best fit straight line. The right panel is for the t
version of the relation, along with the four-parameter arctan
function as the best fit. It is this diagram that was used to calibrate the MMRD, as applied over the last two decades. With these plots,
we see that this collection of Milky Way novae do appear to definitely show the MMRD relation, even though the scatter is huge. That
is, it appears that the faster-fading novae are more luminous.
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 21
1# 10# 100# 1,000#
Figure 5. The MMRD for recurrent novae. If we select out the galactic novae for which more than one eruption has been discovered in
the last century or so, then we really expect to get an MMRD similar to the plots in Figure 4. But we see that (1) the RN do not follow
the Downes & Duerbeck MMRD, (2) the scatter is huge about any relation, and (3) there is no significant correlation between M
ma x
and t
. This says that the MMRD does not exist for this sample of galactic novae.
1# 10# 100# 1,000#
Figure 6. The MMRD for the Gold+Silver samples of novae. These 39 novae constitute a test of the MMRD from Downes & Duerbeck
(the black line). The MMRD fails badly. Most of the novae are below the line, so the MMRD relation is greatly biased. Critically, the
scatter is huge, so that the use of any function will return distances that are greatly in error. Thus, the use of the MMRD is bad for any
purpose (individual or statistical) in past or future papers. The scatter is so huge that we have to call into question the very existence
of any MMRD relation (where fast novae are more luminous than slow novae). Nevertheless, a desperate defender of the old ideas can
willfully make a post facto tossing out a quarter of the data, and the remaining points look similar to the large scatter in Figure 4, albeit
with a greatly different best-fit equation. So, on the face of it, this plot shows that the MMRD does not apply to galactic novae in any
useful way.
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
22 B. E. Schaefer
0" 1000" 2000" 3000" 4000" 5000"
-0.5# 0.0# 0.5# 1.0# 1.5# 2.0# 2.5# 3.0# 3.5#
Figure 7. The distances and parallaxes from the MMRD. These two panels both show the MMRD-derived values for the Gold sample
(blue diamonds) and the Silver sample (red circles). These are essentially the same data as given in Figure 6. The plot of D
pr i or
G a i a
on the left side is an easy way to see the accuracy and errors of the MMRD. If the MMRD is good, then the points should cluster
along the diagonal line to within the plotted 1-sigma error bars. We see immediately that the MMRD has many novae with huge errors.
(Indeed, there is one Silver-sample nova, V721 Sco, that did not fit onto the plot for any useful range, being at D
pr i or
and D
G a i a
pc.) We see 8 out of 39 novae have >2× errors in distance (or >4× in luminosity). Further, with 29 out of 39 novae
having D
pr i or
> D
G a i a
, we see that the old MMRD has a large systematic bias. Another way of looking at these same data is to plot
pr i or
versus $
G a i a
, as in the panel on the right. Again we see that most of the novae are below the $
pr i or
= $
G a i a
line (shown
as the black diagonal line), many of the points deviate by more than a factor of two from the diagonal line, and 46% of the novae are
>1-sigma from the line. All this goes to show that the MMRD is too poor in accuracy to use for individual novae or to use for statistical
0" 5000" 10000" 15000" 20000"
-0.5# 0.0# 0.5# 1.0# 1.5#
Figure 8. Testing the MMRD with the Bronze sample. The Bronze sample includes 23 novae for which the fractional error in the Gaia
parallax is >30%, and so the distances have large error bars. The left-side panel gives D
pr i or
versus D
G a i a
, while the right-side panel
gives $
pr i or
versus $
G a i a
. In an ideal world, the points would be tightly clustered around the D
pr i or
G a i a
diagonal line. What
we see is a huge scatter. This confirms the conclusions from Figure 7. However, in this figure, the error bars are sufficiently large that we
cannot use the Bronze sample alone to convict the MMRD of failure.
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
Nova Distances With Gaia DR2 23
1# 10# 100# 1,000#
1# 10# 100# 1,000#
Figure 9. The MMRD for the Gold and Silver samples separately. These two plots show the MMRD for the Gold sample (the panel
on the left) and the Silver sample (the panel on the right). Both of these plots can be directly compared to Figure 4a, with the same
range and scale for both axes, and with the MMRD relation from Downes & Duerbeck (solid black line). We see that the Gold sample
does display an apparent relation between M
ma x
and t
, but there is huge scatter including several far outliers, and the best fit relation
is substantially different from the pre-Gaia relation. So if we willfully paid attention only to the Gold sample, then we could continue
the old faith that we can pull out some utility from the MMRD. But the Silver sample shows no relation at all between M
ma x
and t
Rather, we see much of the diagram filled in, so the existence of the MMRD is denied. The utter failure of the MMRD as shown in the
Silver sample is also shown for novae in M31, for novae in M87, for galactic recurrent novae, and for grids of theoretical models of novae.
So we are faced with the dilemma of reconciling the two panels in this figure, where the Gold sample shows a real MMRD relation (albeit
with so much scatter as to be essentially useless) while the Silver sample denies the existence of any MMRD.
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)
24 B. E. Schaefer
Table 3. Published Expansion Parallaxes Compared to Gaia
Nova D
G a i a
(pc) D
pr i or
V603 Aql 314
330, 400
V1494 Aql 1239
T Aur 880
960±220, 1500
V705 Cas 2157
V842 Cen 1379
420, 1200, 1140, 1150, 1300±500, 1325
V476 Cyg 665
1620±120, 1800
V1974 Cyg 1631
310, 1320, 1800±100, 1940, 2000, 2115,
HR Del 958
505, 750, 760±130, 825, 900, 940±155,
DQ Her 501
300, 400±60, 480±50, 560±20
V446 Her 1361
V533 Her 1202
560±70, 850±150, 1250±30, 1300, 1320
CP Lac 1170
DK Lac 2517
BT Mon 1477
GK Per 442
455±30, 500
RR Pic 511
500, 580, 600±60
CP Pup 814
850, 900, 1120, 1140, 1500, 1600, 1700,
FH Ser 1060
700, 850±50, 870±90, 920±130, 950±50
V382 Vel 1800
NQ Vul 1080
910, 1160±210, 1200, 1280, 1600±800,
PW Vul 2420
1200, 1300, 1500-3000, 1600, 1635, 1750,
1800±50, 1880
CT Ser 2774
Table 4. Collected results for quality of prior nova distances
Prior Method Nova Sample N
no v a
HST FGS parallaxes Harrison et al. (2013) 4 0.37 3.03 -0.21
Ground-based parallaxes CVs of Thorstensen 26 0.54 1.06 -0.37
Expansion parallaxes Slavin (1997) 9 1.04 3.60 -0.10
Expansion parallaxes Table 3 75 0.95
Blackbody distance to secondary V1017 Sgr (Salazar et al. 2016) 1 ... χ=-0.14 -0.05
Reddening-distance relation
onmez et al. (2016) 15 1.32 4.25 -0.05
Reddening-distance relation
onmez et al. (2018) 5 1.01 1.31 0.12
RDR and parallaxes
onmez et al. (2018) 28 1.15 2.45 -0.05
MMRD for t
Gold+Silver 39 1.31 1.03 0.73
MMRD for t
Gold 26 0.82 0.83 0.43
MMRD for t
Silver 13 1.85 1.32 1.32
MMRD for t
Bronze 23 2.20 1.68 0.44
= -5.23±0.39 mag Gold+Silver 34 1.53 2.26 0.04
= -5.23±0.39 mag Gold+Silver (t
>10 days) 23 1.08 2.21 -0.28
ma x
= -7.0±1.4 mag Gold+Silver 37 1.61
Nova light echo T Pyx (Sokoloski et al. 2013) 1 ... χ=2.05 0.89
Combining multiple methods Schaefer papers 5 0.93 0.86 0.82
Combining multiple methods Duerbeck (1981) 17 1.05 4.38 -0.43
Combining multiple methods Patterson (1984) 9 0.42
Combining multiple methods Patterson et al. (2013) 13 0.44
Theory models Hachisu & Kato papers 16 0.76 1.66 0.16
Formal uncertainties are not available for most novae in the
The ±1.4 value was chosen so that σ
MNRAS 000, 117 (2018)