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Spring 2016
Impact of a Contingency Cell Phone Plan on Secondary Students’ Impact of a Contingency Cell Phone Plan on Secondary Students’
On-Task Behavior On-Task Behavior
Lindsay Hack
California State University, Monterey Bay
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ImpactofaContingencyCellPhonePlanonSecondaryStudents’on-task Behavior
Lindsay Hack
Action Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of
Arts in Education
California State University Monterey Bay
May 2016
©2016 by Lindsay Hack. All Rights Reserved
ImpactofaContingencyCellPhonePlanonSecondaryStudents’on-task Behavior
By: Lindsay Hack
Jaye Luke, Ph.D., Advisor, Master of Arts in Education
Kerrie Chitwood, Ph.D., Advisor and Coordinator, Master of Arts in Education
Kris Roney, Ph.D. Associate Vice President
Academic Programs and Dean of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies
Digitally signed by Kris Roney, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
ImpactofaContingencyCellPhonePlanonSecondaryStudents’on-task Behavior ................... 5
Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 5
On-task Behavior ..................................................................................................................... 5
Behavioral Interventions .......................................................................................................... 6
Research Question ................................................................................................................. 14
Methods ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Setting .................................................................................................................................... 14
Participants ............................................................................................................................ 15
Materials/Instruments ............................................................................................................ 16
Measurement ......................................................................................................................... 16
Design and Procedures .......................................................................................................... 16
Interobserver Agreement ....................................................................................................... 17
Procedural Fidelity ................................................................................................................ 18
Social Validity ....................................................................................................................... 18
Results ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 21
References ................................................................................................................................. 26
Use of technology as a tool for reinforcement to increase on-task behavior is imminent given the
role of technology in society. This study utilizes the implementation of a contingency cell phone
plan designed to increase on-task behavior. An ABAB design was employed with at-risk,
secondary students receiving special education services in a continuation high school. Three
male students, ages 16-18, with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
were selected due to difficulty with on-task behavior. Participants were granted access to their
cell phone after demonstrating 5 minutes of on-task behavior. On-task behavior was defined as
any behavior that did not include looking at their cell phone. The results indicated a significant
increase in on-task behavior when using a contingency cell phone plan as a tool for
reinforcement. Given the scant research on technology as a tool for reinforcement, this study
and future studies will provide meaningful data into use of this strategy in the educational
Key words: on-task, secondary, reinforcement, technology
Impact of a Contingency Cell Phone Plan on SecondaryStudents’on-task Behavior
Literature Review
On-task Behavior
On-task behavior is a construct. That is, researchers have defined it differently depending
on their purpose or task (Galton, Hargraves, Comber, Wall & Pell, 1999; Gill & Remedios, 2012;
VandenBerg, 2001). For example, VandenBerg (2001) used on-task behavior to represent
engagement with the learning materials. Engagement indicated that if students were interacting
with the learning materials (e.g., book, graphs, etc.), then they were considered on-task. On-task
behavior could include using the materials appropriately along with engaging in task-related
conversations (Gill & Remedios, 2012). Furthermore, Galton and colleagues (1999), included
requiring the student to be fully involved with the assignment to be counted as on-task behavior.
These varying definitions allow for a flexibility in research and for interested individuals to
clearly identify which academic behaviors they are interested in measuring; as it is clear that on-
task behaviors can range from interaction with materials to correct responses on an assignment
within a given time.
This range of behaviors clarifies the importance of the on-task construct. The scope of
on-task behavior is often correlated with academic success (Heering & Wilder, 2006). For
example, on-taskbehaviorincreasesastudent’sgradepointaverage(GPA),decreasingthe
high school with a diploma remain unemployed, their chances of incarceration and dependency
on social services escalate dramatically (Appleton, Christenson, & Furlong, 2008). For at-risk
students, improving their GPA and decreasing their risk for dropout helps prepare them to be
successful in school as well as in their professional life. Therefore, it is important to help
students develop the skills to be on-task in an academic environment (Wills & Mason, 2014).
Teaching on-task behaviors to students is a well-researched topic and a myriad of interventions
to improve on-task behavior have been successful for various student populations.
Behavioral Interventions
Many studies have identified interventions that increase on-task behavior for students in
the general education and special education settings. Research has shown that interventions have
been proven effective for students in whole class settings as well as for individual needs (Allday
& Pakurar, 2007; Appleton, Christenson, & Furlong, 2008; Bedesem & Dierker, 2014; Bonus &
Riordan, 1998; Calderhead, Filter, & Albin, 2006; DuPaul & Weyandt, 2006; Galton, Hargraves,
Comber, Wall & Pell, 1999; Heering & Wilder, 2006; Moore, Anderson, Glassenbury, Lang &
Didden, 2013; Panahon & Martens, 2012; Skinner, 2002; VandenBerg, 2001; Wills & Mason,
2014). Whole-class interventions tend to focus on increasing attentive, engaged behavior
amongst all students while individualized interventions target a specific behavior for an
individual student.
Teachers utilize whole-class interventions for on-task behavior to create positive learning
environments. Allday and Pakurar (2007) examined the effect of teacher greeting on students
on-task behavior. Using antecedent manipulation, a secondary classroom teacher greeted
students as they entered the general education classroom. In addition to the greeting, a
personalized comment was made. The researchers found a mean increase of 27% of on-task
behavior during the intervention phase, suggesting that students are more likely to demonstrate
on-task behavior when presented with a positive antecedent event (Allday & Pakurar, 2007). For
many students a warm, welcoming teacher provides students the confidence and inspiration to
meet academic expectations.
Another whole-class intervention often used within the classroom is seating
arrangements. Teachers use seating to diffuse social tension, encourage academic support
among peers and foster productive learning environments. For example, Bonus and Riordan
(1998) investigated the use of specific seating arrangements as an intervention to increase on-
task behavior. Findings from this study demonstrated that dependent upon the type or format of
instruction, whole class seating arrangements were influential in increasing on-task behaviors
(Bonus & Riordan, 1998). Teachers can implement the use of varying seating arrangements;
however, this strategy does not ensure on-task behavior.
Even within a perfect classroom setting, typically atleastonestudent’sbehavior disrupts
the learning environment. To address these classroom behavior issues teachers often use
contingency-based systems to redirect or address target behaviors. Using independent,
interdependent or dependent group contingencies, teachers can provide students with the same
reinforcer dependent upon the contingency in place. Independent group contingencies address
one target behavior for all students, where the student earns the reinforcement based upon his or
her behavior. Interdependent group contingency systems allow a group of students to earn the
reinforcer given the group behavior. Dependent group contingencies provide reinforcement to
the whole group dependent upon on or a few students meeting the target behavior. Heering and
Wilder’s (2006) research with elementary students on increasing on-task behavior through
dependent group contingency systems indicated extremely positive results. That is, on-task
behavior rose from a mean of 36% to 83% in a third grade classroom and from 50% to 85% in a
fourth grade classroom. Follow-up levels conducted during the study continued to show that
high levels of on-task behavior were maintained with a mean of over 90%. This research points
to the importance of group contingency systems and their effectiveness within the classroom.
While whole group or classroom based interventions are extremely beneficial to students,
individualized interventions must be implemented for students who are identified at-risk or have
severe behavior needs.
For students with more challenging or prominent behaviors, identifying the function of
the behavior is imperative for choosing the appropriate intervention. For secondary students, the
function of the behavior is often to avoid tasks or a paucity of executive functioning skills.
Many students who engage in off-task behavior due to learning challenges have found success in
interspersed requests or stimulus variation of instructional tasks (Calderhead, Filter, & Albin,
2006). For example, a student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) who
loathes division may be more successful in completing the assignment when a few addition or
subtraction problems are mixed also included in the assignment. Perhaps the student is more
inclined to finish the task because they are less frustrated or they may find the easier, preferred
item fun and rewarding.
Skinner (2002) proposed that interspersing preferred tasks with more challenging tasks
increases the rate of reinforcement for task completion. Completion of the easier, or preferred
task, becomes a conditioned reinforcer, thereby increasing on-task behavior (Skinner, 2002).
Along with interspersing modified tasks within an assignment, many teachers find allowing
students with behavior challenges to choose an assigned academic activity is an effective
Choice-making interventions provide students with teacher approved task options within
an area of study. For example, a student who finds writing aversive may choose to make a
picture collage instead. The student avoids the act of writing, but illustrates mastery of the
concepts in a different way. Students who are allowed choice making within their classroom
have been shown to have increased rates of on-task behavior (DuPaul & Weyandt, 2006). In
addition to making choices, modifying assignments to increase accessibility has also been shown
to be effective. Modification may include a reduction of assigned tasks, creating sub-units, or
providing a brief break after task completion. Many students struggle with both academic needs
and, or executive functioning skills. For these students, self-management strategies are vital to
increasing on-task behavior.
Self-management strategies have been proven very effective to increase on-task behavior
for secondary students (Moore, Anderson, Glassenbury, Lang & Didden, 2013). Strategies for
self-managementinclude“self-monitoring, self-recording, self-evaluation, goal setting and self-
educational success as well as generalizing to future employment. Furthermore, Wills and Mason
(2014) describe self-monitoring as a multi-step process in which students observe and record the
presence of the target behavior. Students may use visual calendars or charts to regulate and
reinforce on-task behavior. For example, a high school student with ADHD, may record the
number of paragraphs he read every five minutes to determine whether he remained on-task
during the class period. These types of visual strategies often aide students with their self-
management skills.
In addition to visual strategies, tactile or audio prompts are often used in self-
management interventions to cue the student’sbehavior.Mooreandcolleagues (2013) studied
the use of a tactile prompt for self-management of general education secondary students. In this
study, the use of an electronic beeper that vibrates re-directed students to remain on-task. The
mean increased on average by 39.1% during the intervention phase suggesting the use of a tactile
prompt to be very effective for increasing on-task behavior (Moore et al., 2013). Use of
electronics or technology in self-management has increased greatly over the past decade with the
surge of classroom access to tablets, small computers or handheld devices (Wills & Mason,
2014). For secondary students where assimilating with peers is essential, the use of technology
as an intervention is an appropriate tool.
Furthermore, technology as a potential intervention was investigated by Wills and Mason
(2014) using an android application that allows students to self-evaluate through text cues and
response. Both participants demonstrated an increase of over 40% of on-task behavior with the
use of the application, indicating an extremely effective intervention for these students (Wills &
Mason, 2014). In addition, the use of a cell phone as a self-monitoring tool has been determined
to increase on-task from 44% to 99% (Bedesem and Dierker, 2014). Researchers attributed this,
at least partially, to the level of acceptance of cell phones amongst students. Providing students
with a strategy that facilitates autonomy in self-regulation of their on-task behavior can be a
powerful experience (Appleton, Christenson, & Furlong, 2008). Modifying academics,
providing choice activities and implementing self-management strategies are fundamental
interventions for increasing on-task behavior. In addition to the aforementioned interventions,
consequent based systems play in important role in behavior interventions.
Contingency based consequence systems, such as providing a reinforcer following a
target behavior, have a long history of empirically based evidence supporting practice in the
classroom (DuPaul & Weyandt, 2006). For example, if a student demonstrates on-task behavior
by engaging with the lesson material or discussing the academic task with a peer the student
receives a ticket. The ticket acts as a reinforcement, or acknowledgement of the student
displaying appropriate on-task behavior. Given the student understands the value of the ticket,
she is more likely to continue to engage in on-task behavior. For at-risk secondary students and
those in a special education program, contingency based interventions increase motivation along
with decreasing the target behaviors (Appleton, Christenson, & Furlong, 2008). To have an
effective contingency based, consequent strategy identifying effective reinforcement is
Research has shown that an intervention is only as successful as the reinforcement it
provides to the student (Fielder, 2007). For many educators this is a difficult concept to
the amount of time a student engages in a behavior as a function relative to the rate the behavior
is reinforced. Using this construct, educators can increase the rate of appropriate behavior by
supplying an adequate quantity of positive reinforcement. Fielder (2007) explains that positive
reinforcement is the presentation of a stimulus which increases the frequency of the target
behavior. When selecting the type of reinforcement, one must also consider the schedule of
reinforcement and the delivery system.
Interval schedules of positive reinforcement have been used to control on-task behavior
with affirmative results (Skinner, 2002). Interval schedules of reinforcement can be provided
through fixed or variable intervals. For example, a student who has challenges remaining in their
seat may receive a reinforcer after every five minutes, which is a fixed interval schedule, or at
randomly selected times throughout the session, a variable interval schedule. Along with a time
schedule, interventions are constructed with specific delivery systems. The reinforcement can be
delivered through non-contingent or contingent based systems. Non-contingent systems deliver
stimuli at a fixed time interval regardless of student behavior. For example, every 20 seconds the
teacher gives the student a ticket whether or not the student is demonstrating the target behavior.
Panahon and Martens (2012) found that contingent based systems, or delivery of stimuli
contingent upon student behavior, are a more effective delivery method compared to non-
contingent systems. Contingent systems require the student to meet an objective prior to
receiving the reinforcement. For example, if the target behavior was task completion, once the
discrete task was completed the student is reinforced through use of a preferred item for a fixed
time (Skinner, 2002). While the schedules and system of reinforcement are the foundation of an
intervention, the most essential piece is selecting the appropriate reinforcer for the individual
student or group of students. For the educator it is critical to recognize the importance of
extrinsic motivation and utilize student choice in stimuli, which will establish student
engagement in the task, increasing the magnitude of reinforcement (Appleton, Christenson, &
Furlong, 2008; Hoffmann, 2014). Using contingent based systems of reinforcement with highly
preferred items as the reinforcer has been shown to be extremely effective in increasing on-task
behavior (Skinner, 2002).
Highly preferred reinforcers for secondary students can vary greatly from those of
younger children. Providing specific, valued, reinforcement becomes paramount to the success
of the intervention as the individuality of favored items increases, with maturation of students
(Fielder, 2007). Given the variation of preferred reinforcers among individuals and ages,
determining choice items for the student is paramount. Using stimulus preference assessments
research maintained that teacher and student preference varied in each stimulus preference
assessment, concluding that selecting the appropriate reinforcer is not always obvious and
requires student input. Given that the most successful interventions are easy and quick to
implement, finding a highly preferred reinforcer that falls under those same conditions and is
socially acceptable is fundamental. For secondary students, using a reinforcer that does not stand
out is key. Using technology as a reinforcer for more mature students enables them to remain
inclusive with their peers, while accessing a highly preferred item.
In the past decade, high-tech stimuli have become a highly preferred reinforcer for
students (Hoffmann, 2014). High-tech devices, defined as using batteries or electricity, with
sophisticated computer components, consist of items such as personal gaming devices, laptops,
tablets, cellphones, etc. (Hoffmann, 2014). High-tech devices, specifically cell phones, have
become easily accessible in the United States, providing opportunity for use as a reinforcer for
secondary students. A recent study by Pew Research Center, states 88% of teens in the United
States have or have access to a cell phone and it is their preferred form of communication
(Lenhart, 2015). In her research on high tech stimuli as a reinforcer, Hoffman (2014) attributed
the production of response-dependent and response-independent changes in high-tech devices
such as cell phones, as the rationale behind the high rate of reinforcement provided by
technology for students.
Furthering the discussion of cell phones as a reinforcer, Wei and Wang (2010) used the
gratification model to provide rationale for cell phone use in the classroom stating that cell
phonesprovidedreinforcementintheconstructsof“pleasure,relaxation, escape, inclusion and
affection”(2010,p.481). While there is scant research specifically on the use of cell phones as a
reinforcer in the classroom, as students are innately drawn to the use of technology, exploration
of this area is imminent. Given that 75% of students’ report carrying their cell phones to class
(Froese, et al., 2012) and over 90% of students reported sending text messages during class (Ali,
Papakie, & McDevitt, 2012), it would be reasonable to say, further study in this area is essential.
Use of a cell phone as a reinforcer for at-risk, secondary students in a special education program
increases the sustainability of the intervention, by being a highly preferred item, easily accessible
and socially acceptable amongst peers (Wills & Mason, 2014).
This study will examine how the implementation of a cell phone use contingency plan
will affect the rate of on-task behavior of at-risk, secondary students, in a special education
program. Currently, there is a plethora of research around interventions for general education
and special education of various ages, however there is little research specifically looking at
interventions to increase on-task behavior for secondary students using technology as the
reinforcer, not a tool for the intervention. The data gathered throughout this study will be highly
beneficial to administrators, teachers and students in the secondary setting by providing a
strategy to use cell phones to increase student motivation.
Research Question
How does the implementation of a cell phone use contingency plan affect the rate of on-
task behavior of at-risk, secondary students, in a special education program?
The study took place throughout 19 sessions lasting in a guided studies classroom that
lasts 50 minutes in a continuation high school in Santa Clara County. The high school serves
students who have not previously been successful in a comprehensive high school setting. The
school capacity is approximately 180 students, ages 16-19, with 12% of its population receiving
Special Education services (Bowen, 2015). The high school is in a suburban community, with
30% of its 52,000 inhabitants under the age of 18. Approximately 57% of its population
identifies itself as Hispanic or Latino in origin with 15.5% of the population reported as below
poverty level (United States Census, 2014).
The school district board policy states cell phone use is prohibited during instructional
minutes, including passing periods. Students may use their cell phones during brunch and lunch.
If a student uses their cell phones during instructional time, they are instructed to put the device
away. If a student refuses or uses the phone again, parent contact will be made and additional
consequences may ensue. If the behavior becomes habitual, office discipline referrals are given
and severe consequences may be warranted.
Three males ages 16-18, with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
combined type, participated in this study. Each participant was assigned a pseudonym to ensure
confidentiality and anonymity. Participants received special education services through
mild/moderate specialized academic instruction. Participants were selected based on teacher
nomination due to chronic use of their cell phone during class time. Each participant had
received a minimum of three office discipline referrals due to cell phone use. All three students
attended a full five-and-a-half-hour day at school, with one period of special education support
through their Guided Studies class.
Alfonso was 17 years old and has received Special Education services since 2011. Since
attending the current school, Alfonso had earned 12 credits and is not on track for graduation.
Austin was 18 years old and has received special education services since 2006. He is on
track for graduation in June of 2016.
Jacob was 16 years old and has received Special Education services since 2014. Jacob
has earned 83 credits and is on track to return to his comprehensive high school for his senior
The materials used for this study were the participant's cell phone, data collection form,
timer, teacher survey, and a participant self-assessment. The cell phone is the property of and
provided by the participant. Thedatacollectionformincludedtheparticipant’spseudoname,
date of observation, five rows indicating the start and end time of the observation period and five
columns representing each day of the week. The researcher used an online timer with an
automated alert set for five-minute intervals.
Direct observation of the on-task behavior was observed at least four days a week using a
five-minute partial interval recording system (Todd, Campbell, Meyer, & Horner, 2008).
Observations were consistent across class periods. The researcher used an online timer to time
the five-minute intervals. The first interval started approximately five minutes after the class
period began. There were five intervals per class session. On-task behavior was defined as the
participant not looking at or using their cell phone. Researchers noted their observations and
marked thenumber“0” if a participant used their cell phone at any point during the interval. If
the participant did not use or look at their phone, the researcher noted the observation with the
number“1”toindicateon-task behavior. Researchers received training in identifying on-task
behavior, completion of the data collection sheet, and use of the online timer.
Design and Procedures
To investigate the impact of a contingency cell phone plan as a reinforcer for on-task
student behavior, the research team developed a study using an ABAB design. Throughout all
phases of the study, participants were instructed to place their cell phone in the top left hand
corner of their desk or table. During baseline, participants were observed in five-minute
intervals during their classroom environment. During each interval, the researcher documented
cell phone use by the participant. The school policy of no cell phones allowed during class was
During the intervention phases of the study, a contingency use plan was in place.
Participants were instructed that if they demonstrated on-task behavior for five minutes, defined
for this study as not looking at or touching their cell phone, they could use their cell phone for a
two-minute period at the conclusion of each five-minute interval. Participants who did not
demonstrate on-task behavior during the five-minute interval did not have access to their cell
phone during the two-minute interval and it remained at the top left corner of their desk. Each
series of intervals, the five-minute and two minute, acted independently of one another. For
example, a participant that did not earn the two-minute cell phone time after the first interval had
the opportunity to earn the second segment of cell phone time if they demonstrated on-task
behavior during the second five-minute interval. Participants were moved from baseline to
intervention after three stable data points. Participants returned to baseline after an increase of
25% or more of on-task behavior. Participants entered the second intervention phase after at
least three stable data points.
Interobserver Agreement
During the data collection process, a second researcher collected data for 25% of the
sessions. The second researcher was trained on how on-task behavior was defined for this study,
how to complete the data collection sheet and use of the online timer. The second researcher
collected data independently of the other researcher. Interobserver agreement was calculated by
dividing the total number of agreements by the total number of agreements plus disagreements
and multiplied by 100%. Alfonso’smeanIOAwas94%. Austin’sIOArecordedon-task
behavior with a rate of 95% accuracy. Jacob had a mean IOA of 95% as well.
Procedural Fidelity
For 25% of sessions, an independent observer checked to see that the primary researcher
consistently implemented the cell-phone contingency. The second researcher determined
procedural fidelity by dividing the total number of correctly implementations by the number of
opportunities to implement the procedure and multiplied by 100 to determine percentage. The
contingency intervention was implemented correctly with 100% accuracy.
Social Validity
Social validity results were measured through teacher and student surveys. Social validity
was addressed by 12 teachers through the completion of a three-question survey prior to
participants entering baseline. The three questions were:
1. Are cell phones a distraction in your classroom?
2. Is the current school policy of banned cell phones during instructional time effective?
3. Would appropriate cell phone use strategies be beneficial in your classroom?
Overall, teachers agreed that cell phones were a distraction in the classroom. Of the 12
teachers surveyed, 95% of them answered yes to the survey question of Are cell phones a
distractioninyourclassroom?”Alloftheteachersconcurredthatcurrentpoliciesof banning
cell phone use during instructional time was ineffective. When asked if appropriate cell phone
Participants addressed social validity through self-assessment surveys answered prior to
entering the initial baseline and after the final intervention. Participants were instructed on the
terms used in the questions and provided with an opportunity to ask questions about the self-
assessment survey. The three questions were:
1. Does use of your cell phone distract you during class?
2. Do you accomplish more when your cell phone is not being used?
3. Doesthepossibilityofusingyourcellphoneafteryou’vecompletedwork,makeyou
want to work harder?
Participant surveys came back with mixed results. During baseline, when asked if the use of
answering whether they accomplished more when their cell phones were not being used again,
“yes”andoneanswered“no”tothisquestion.Postintervention phase student surveys were all
The impact of a cell phone contingency plan on on-task behavior is depicted in Figures 1,
2 and 3. The y-axisistheparticipants’percentageofon-task behavior. Sessions are displayed
on the x-axis.
Figure 1 displays the results from Alfonso.Alfonso’smeanofon-task behavior during
Baseline 1 was 28% (range 20-40%). During Intervention 1 his average of on-task behavior
increased to 65% (range 60-80%). DuringBaseline2,Alfonso’son-task behavior decreased to a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Percentage of on-task behavior
Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4
Figure 1. Alfonso’son-task behavior with and without the implementation of a cell-phone
contingency plan.
Baseline 1
Intervention 1
Intervention 2
Baseline 2
Intervention 1
Baseline 2
Intervention 2
Figure 2. Austin’son-task behavior with and without the implementation of a cell-phone
contingency plan.
Baseline 1
Baseline 1
Intervention 1 Baseline 2 Intervention 2
Figure 3. Jacob’son-task behavior with and without the implementation of a cell-phone
contingency plan.
mean of 30% (range 20-40%). At the end of Intervention 2, Alfonso’son-task behavior rose to
an average of 84% (range 60-100) of time on-task.
Austin’smeanofon-task behavior during Baseline 1 was 36% (range 20-60%). During
Intervention 1 his average of on-task behavior increased to 64% (range 20-100%) (see Figure 2).
During Baseline2,Austin’son-task behavior decreased to a mean of 30% (range 0-60%). At the
end of Intervention 2,Austin’son-task behavior rose to an average of 84% (range 60-100) of
time on-task.
Figure 3 displays the results from Jacob. Jacob’smeanon-task behavior during Baseline
1 was 48% (range 20-60%). During Intervention 1 his average of on-task behavior increased to
72% (range 20-100%). During Baseline 2, Jacob’son-task behavior decreased to a mean of 45%
(range 40-60%). At the end of Intervention 2, Jacob’son-task behavior rose to an average of
84% (range 60-100) of time on-task.
The results of this study suggest that a contingency use cell phone plan is beneficial for
increasing on on-task behavior for secondary students in a special education program.
Throughout the study participants increased their on-task behavior by 26% to 56% from the
initial baseline to the final intervention phase. These results are comparable to previous studies
on on-task behavior using contingency based systems (Heering & Wilder, 2006). All
participants demonstrated significant improvement of their on-task behavior with the
implementation of the contingency use cell phone plan.
The first participant’sdatademonstrateafunctionalrelationwithnooverlappingdata
points, Alfonso displayed a more stable trend line which may be explained by his tendency to be
less emotional or impulsive than the other participants. Alfonso has shown to be more
intrinsically motivated, completing tasks and demonstrating self-advocacy, over time in
comparison to the other two participants. Given these personality traits, his trend line could be
attributed to his level of motivation and demonstration of stronger executive functioning skills.
While Alfonso appears to have the least amount of drastic movement amongst data points
compared to the other participants, he displayed the greatest gain in time on-task change from
baseline to intervention over the course of observation has the out of the three participants. This
was an interesting find for the researchers and potentially points to the impact emotional
regulation has on intervention results.
TheresearchersattributedmuchofAustin’sdatatohishighlyemotionalstate in which he
typically displays impulsive behavior with significant mood changes. Both Austin and Jacob had
60% of overlapping data points. When including the overlapping data points for Austin and
Jacob, their percentage increases to 90% leading the researcher to conclude the intervention was
highly effective for these participants as well.
While Jacob also demonstrates high rates of impulsivity, he tends to be less emotionally
oriented than Austin. However, Jacob required more“buy-in”whenitcomestoreinforcement
stimulus then either Alfonso or Austin which was apparent in his results.
However, even with fluctuating emotional needs, given the high rate of reinforcement a
cell phone provides, both Austin and Jacob made significant improvement in their rate of on-task
behavior. The value of a cell phone as a reinforcement tool can be seen as conclusive given all
three participants answered positively to this effect in the post intervention student survey. This
was verycleartoseeinJacob’sdatapointsinthefinalsessionsofeachinterventionphaseonce
he decided the contingency of work production was worth the payoff of cell-phone time.
Each participant was able to move from baseline to intervention at the same time for each
phase as this was not the expectation. These three participants have a history of truancy;
therefore, the researchers expected absences to impede the transition between each phase.
However, during the research period, the participants were present for each day of school with
the exception of Alfonso who missed one day. Additionally, the researchers found it interesting
that each participant had a mean of 84% of on-task behavior in the final phase of Intervention.
There is no explanation for this consistency, however it is interesting to note. The survey data
provided the participants post intervention was a significant demonstration in how the
participants were able to identify both the detriment of cell phones as distractors, but also the
value of use of cell phones as reinforcer for task completion. Their consensus regarding cell
phones as avaluabletoolasareinforcercoincideswithHoffman(2014)andLenhart’s(2010)
research on secondary students and their adoration of technology.
Contingency based consequent intervention systems are extremely effective (DuPaul &
Weyandt, 2006) and identifying the appropriate reinforcer for the student/s ensures success of the
intervention (Fielder, 2007). In this current study the contingency based consequent system of
cell phone use post work completion proved successful. Given the cell phone is likely the most
highly preferred item of a secondary student at this time, the rate of reinforcement was
significant (Hoffmann, 2014). All three participants indicated that knowing they would have the
opportunity to access their cell phone after work competition was extremely motivating. Thus
student on-task behavior increased by utilizing the cell phone as a tool for reinforcement which
is an easily applicable strategy in the classroom.
The results of this study are an important contribution to current research and practice.
The use of cell-phones in secondary general education and special education classrooms as a
means of reinforcement could significantly impact school climate addressing student, teacher and
administrative needs by providing an effective, practical, and socially acceptable intervention
As students become accustomed to cell phones as a tool, they will have the ability to
utilize cell phones as a tool for implementing free choice activities, for tactile prompting and
eventually for self-management and increasing executive functioning skills. Appropriate cell
phone use strategies could have a significant impact on increasing on-task behavior for
secondary students across settings. As we know from current literature, higher rates of on-task
behavior and student engagement has a positive impact on graduation rates, post-secondary
options and an increased likelihood of becoming a successful member of society (Appleton,
Christenson, & Furlong, 2008).
All teachers reported that the current policies regarding cell phones were ineffective and
95% of teachers agreed that cell phones were a distraction in their classrooms. Therefore, the
use of a contingency cell phone plan provides general education teachers a reinforcement that
would increase appropriate behaviors for the general education students as well as their students
participating in special education programs. Additionally, teachers and administrators would
have the advantage of providing cell-phone time for expected behavior versus the more common
strategy of removing cell phone use as a punishment. Policy changes allowing use of cell phones
as tools for reinforcement would allow administrators and teachers to implement effective
interventions for all students in the classroom.
Although the data showed positive results, the researchers found limitations with the
study and suggest alterations for future implementation. For future research it is suggested that
increasing the sample size and implementing the intervention across settings would be useful.
For example, conducting the study in a general education classroom with 30 students including
those receiving special education services, could demonstrate the feasibility of the intervention
for all students and teachers. In this current study, researchers found the placement of the cell
phone to be a distraction to the participants as they could see and in some instances hear their
cell phone which impeded on-task behavior. The researchers suggest that participants place their
cell phones in a back pack or in a separate location in the room instead of on their desk in future
studies. The researchers also concurred, while it is important for the students to come in contact
with the reinforcer, the time allotment was too short for the age of the participants. Without the
appropriate length of time for reinforcement, the reinforcer may lose its value (Hoffman 2014).
It is suggested that the time on-task be increased to 15 minutes and the reinforcement period
increased to five minutes. It is reasonable to assume that with such a short time limit,
participants were unable to accomplish as much as they would have with a longer time allotment
for both task completion and the reinforcement period. With these alterations, the researchers
are certain utilizing cell phones as a tool for reinforcement would have a great impact to the
greater population.
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