Okinawa Service Members Advanced
Resource Tool
Last Updated:
May 14th, 2014
Issue 8
In this issue:
phone information
MUST READ Cell Phone informaon
that you need to be aware of before you decide on a service provider, type of phone,
(pre-paid, ip-up or Smart) contract structure and type of plan to ensure you are
prepared to make informed decisions and to assist you in managing your cell phone bill.
(1) If you choose the two-year contract opon, you MUST be aware of certain policies that exist no maer which service provider
you choose.
(2) Aer the inial 24 month contract is completed, you have 30 DAYS from the expiraon date of your inial contract to change
your service plan. You can cancel your service, change it to month-to-month, or renew for another 24 months. There are no one
-year contracts. *You must go into the service provider’s store to make any changes, otherwise your contract will AUTOMATI-
CALLY RENEW FOR AN ADDITIONAL 24 MONTHS. Some companies do not oer month-to-month service plans, so you need to
decide on a plan that best ts your budget and your remaining me on-island.
(3) If your credit card or automac payment method declines payment to your service provider, for any reason, ON THE FIRST
ATTEMPT, you will automacally be mailed a hard copy of your bill to the address you provided during the sign-up. If you have
changed addresses since your then, the bill may be returned to the provider as undeliverable and you may begin accruing late
fees, not aware that you’ve missed a payment. To avoid this, keep your address updated with your cell phone service provider.
(4) If you do not receive your phone bill because you never updated your mailing address, you are sll responsible for paying the
any missed payments and associated fees. This can be the beginning sequence towards a suspended phone and expensive
phone bill. If you miss three consecuve months’ worth of payments, your phone service will normally be suspended and fees
assessed to reacvate.
(5) If you travel o-island, outside of the Kingdom of Japan, and use your phone, you will accrue global roaming charges from
whatever service provider your phone/device is pulling from. To avoid this, YOU MUST ENABLE AIRPLANE MODE (on Smart De-
vices) or not use your phone (even texts). However, on airplane mode smart devices can sll connect to Wi-Fi hot spots without
accruing fees.
(6) Contracts cannot be suspended/put on hold during TAD/deployment like they can in the states. However, you can have your
service plan reduced to the minimum amount required just to keep your phone number acve. You need to discuss this opon
with your service provider, as some contacts and plans have discounts built in that are nullied by reducing your plan.
(7) Most contracts are transferrable to another person, this is a good opon for someone leaving permanently or if leaving for
an extended period. Another opon is cancelling the contract early. [None of the provider honor roune PCS orders] If you have
spread out the cost of your phone or device through the duraon of the contract, and you cancel early, you are responsible for
paying the remainder of the balance of the phone or device as well as the cancellaon fee (around $100).
(8) However, when there are unforeseen circumstances that result in an early departure from Okinawa, you may be able to can-
cel the remainder of your contract without owing the balance of your phone. Ask your service provider if they oer a waiver for
special circumstances that would allow you to cancel your contract early and return the phone.
(9) Second hand (used) phones from same the company can usually be acvated with a new contract instead of buying a new
(10) Ask your provider for the date each month that your payment is due as well as when the last payment is due
aer cancelling a contract. If you are scheduled to leave the island before your contract expires, it is recommended
that you cancel your contract at least one month prior to leaving to avoid owing a “nal bill” aer you have already
le the island.
Disclaimer: This informaon is compiled from local Okinawa websites and is intended as a quick reference guide only. III MEF
does not imply ownership of this informaon nor endorsement of any parcular cell phone service provider. For further details,
contact your cell phone service provider.